What do you do when your popular fare-free #brt is gaining ridership? You start charging fares because beachfront #nimbys say unhoused people are getting too close for comfort. #stpete #sunrunner #transit #florida https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2023/08/23/sunrunner-st-petersburg-no-longer-free-psta
#brt #nimbys #stpete #sunrunner #transit #florida
Gen Z Historian guest stars on Lynae Vanee's Parking about white country singer Jason Aldean + his supporters trying to erase BIPOC from the rural landscape via threats of violence
#uspol #racism #rural #jasonaldean #countrymusic #music #dogwhistles #lynaevanee #parkinglotpimpin #genzhistorian #cowboyhats #whitecitizens #nimbys #gangs #blacklivesmatter #mobs #others #altright #conservatives
@990000 point is that #NIMBYs will be pissed off either way: They don't want #ApexPredators nor #Hunters to regulate the population.
#hunters #ApexPredators #nimbys
No, US Offshore Wind Developers Aren’t Killing Whales, & Haven’t Been Given Permits To Do So
Thinking globally and preventing action locally is the rallying cry of soulful #nimbys
By Michael Barnard
#nimbys #renewables #Wind #fud #disinformation
“Something strange is going on”: A well-known economist wonders what causes otherwise good people to become #NIMBYs. Here’s a theory: It’s human nature to rationalize what we do … until presented with overwhelming, unrelenting evidence we are actually doing harm to others. It’s why we need an activist-driven campaign to change beliefs about neighborhoods … and to make people aware of the damage done to cities by automobiles. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/24/opinion/new-york-congestion-charge.html
American Cities Have a Conversion Problem, and It’s Not Just Offices https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/01/upshot/american-cities-office-conversion.html?smid=nytcore-android-share #cities #zoning #nimbys
How the Tom Sawyer Fence Painting Co. got its start: Propose any new project for a neighborhood and there’s almost certain to be NIMBY backlash. So Detroit Mayor Duggan is turning the tables. The city plans to install solar power arrays on city-owned vacant land. #Neighborhoods will receive some benefits from hosting the installations. Now, convince him that your neighborhood is the right place for it. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2023/06/27/duggan-solar-panels-proposal-detroit-vacant-land/70356311007/ #NIMBYs
@capntransit look at the former Orange Line busway in the #SFV #LAMetro was opposed by #NIMBYs along Chandler Blvd in #ValleyVillage the #BRT now runs from Chatsworth #Metrolink station to #NorthHollywood aka #NOHO heavy rail subway to #DTLA and #UnionStation and it's busy and successful. Read #MikeDavis #CityofQuartz great book that explores politics in #LosAngeles #transit #signingoff #bonweekend
#sfv #LAmetro #nimbys #valleyvillage #brt #Metrolink #northhollywood #noho #dtla #unionstation #mikedavis #cityofquartz #losangeles #transit #signingoff #bonweekend
Expansão do metro em Loures: contestação da população leva a alteração do traçado previsto https://expresso.pt/economia/transportes/2023-04-19-Expansao-do-metro-em-Loures-contestacao-da-populacao-leva-a-alteracao-do-tracado-previsto-75dd8e8c
> Os moradores do Infantado criticavam a “significativa redução de lugares de estacionamento” e de vias de circulação, com “estrangulamento do trânsito apenas numa via”, onde atualmente existem duas
#Nimbys #CarBrain #DepoisDizemQueOTransportePúblicoÉMau
#nimbys #CarBrain #depoisdizemqueotransportepublicoemau
@FrauMaja normal.
#Deutsche sind halt #NIMBYs und #Befehlsempfänger*innen...
#befehlsempfanger #nimbys #deutsche
Metro completes subway tunnels under Beverly Hills https://beverlypress.com/2023/02/metro-completes-subway-tunnels-under-beverly-hills/ #LAMetro #transit Wow! And the sky didn´t fall or anything else the #NIMBYs promised would happen! #BeverlyHills #betterLA
#LAmetro #transit #nimbys #beverlyhills #betterla
Alexandria's African American Heritage Trails expanded over the weekend. After reporting a surplus, DC officials plan for an uncertain fiscal future. Satirical "Nimbee" mascot takes on #NIMBYs. More in today's Breakfast links.: https://ggwash.org/view/88410/breakfast-links-alexandrias-african-american-heritage-trails-opens-major-new-expansions-over-the-weekend
#Nextdoor social media app creates a union of the housed against the unhoused, empowering #NIMBYs
*If one set out to devise a social network specifically for the purpose of debating housing issues and forming a political base rooted in hyperlocal paranoia, it would look an awful lot like Nextdoor.
Users join a neighborhood group after verifying their address either with their phone’s geolocation.*
VICE: How Nextdoor Put Neighbors In a Housing Policy 'Cage Match'
#NIMBYs and NITBYs (not in *their* back yards) outnumber expressions of supports 100:1 here, with commenters from as nearby as Aberdeen and Lyon and all other points of the compass.
I know development control is neither a democracy nor a question of numbers, but if "they" win it will be not only 32 affordable homes "lost" but since #Oxford city council paid for the land expressly at housing value, it will be a huge loss for affordable housing building across the city.
Just realized today I am a couple of weeks shy of 13 *years* in #SF.
SF has changed a lot. Not nearly as welcoming as it was in 2010. The #NIMBYs who talk like progressives but vote against every progressive ballot proposition, the influx of #techbros who are only here for the money, the big money “centrist” Dems running the city, and lack of diversity here is pretty soul crushing. 🫤
There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come. And the idea that more #housing and more people make #neighborhoods better is penetrating even the stoutest castles of NIMBYdom ... including neighborhood advisory boards in NYC. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/15/nyregion/manhattan-community-board-housing.html #NIMBYs #urbanism
#housing #neighborhoods #nimbys #urbanism
The #NIMBYs have it - Rishi Sunak capitulates to Tory shire MPs aghast at the prospect of new housebuilding in their rural idylls.