Joseph Nuthalapati :fbx: · @njoseph
859 followers · 6159 posts · Server

Yesterday, NimCoon helped with a New Year's Party. 🥳

A group of high school girls managed to get a speaker system but couldn't hook up a phone to it. Two of them came to me. Well, they came for someone else who wasn't available. They had a YouTube playlist and a USB thumb drive.

It was an easy job for NimCoon to download the music from YouTube as mp3 files. They were weird remixes of some songs, most of which I haven't seen before.

Me? I slept through the night. 🤷‍♂️

#nimcoon #youtubedl

Last updated 4 years ago

Joseph Nuthalapati :fbx: · @njoseph
859 followers · 6159 posts · Server

Did another release today - 0.8.0

- Added ability to override options interactively
- Implemented YouTube auto-play (only for music)

Use nimble to update:
nimble install nimcoon

NimCoon currently has my opinions baked in. Have to add a config file in the next release so that they can be overridden.

#nimcoon #youtube

Last updated 4 years ago

Joseph Nuthalapati :fbx: · @njoseph
859 followers · 6159 posts · Server

I threw away my own YouTube API scraper and decided to call the API of one of the public Invidious instances instead. However, the content is still fetched from YouTube in order not to burden the invidious instances.

NimCoon 0.7.0 changelog

Maybe this will one day grow up to be a CLI equivalent of NewPipe. 🤷‍♂️

#nim #nimcoon

Last updated 4 years ago

Joseph Nuthalapati :fbx: · @njoseph
859 followers · 6159 posts · Server

NimCoon now handles PeerTube the way it's meant to be used.

When a PeerTube link is provided, it fetches the magnet link of the best resolution available and plays it using WebTorrent.

apt/brew install nim
nimble install nimcoon

#nimcoon #peertube #webtorrent

Last updated 5 years ago

Joseph Nuthalapati :fbx: · @njoseph
859 followers · 6159 posts · Server

@xuv @KnowPresent I have a personal project called NimCoon that I'm self-hosting on my FreedomBox using GitWeb.

Since GitWeb doesn't have bug-tracking built-in, I'm using git-bug for tracking issues and features. I haven't integrated it with other code forges that have bug-tracking features. I'm using it to augment GitWeb.

So far, I'm the only developer on this project, so I haven't really seen what collaboration with git-bug looks like.

#nimcoon #freedombox #Gitweb #bugtracking

Last updated 5 years ago

Looks like git is slowly catching up with fossil's features.

about bug-tracking in git using git-bug

Already started using this with . I think I can drop my org-mode file with TODOs now.

#til #nimcoon #git #fossil #gitbug #bugtracking

Last updated 5 years ago

My first Nim package is published to Nimble repositories.

NimCoon is a commandline application for streaming and downloading videos and music from sources like YouTube and also magnet links.

It is built on top of youtube-dl, mpv and peerflix. Please install these as dependencies first.

Installing nimcoon using the nimble package manager:

nimble refresh
nimble install nimcoon

#nim #nimcoon #nimble #nimlang

Last updated 5 years ago

Considering using illwill, a curses-like UI library for nim, but it might end up being a rewrite of the whole CLI part of the application.

#nim #nimcoon

Last updated 5 years ago