🇫🇷Nîmes : À quoi joue l'intersyndicale ? Intimidations virilistes, provocations sexistes, membre du service d'ordre qui sort sa carte de gendarme pour menacer le cortège féministe radical, dissolution anticipée de la manifestation : un 8 mars pas comme les autres...⤵️
RT @lepoinginfo
https://lepoing.net/8-mars-a-nimes-soit-tu-baisses-ton-drapeau-soit-tu-retournes-dans-ta-cuisine/ Entre 1000 et 2000 manifestant·es ont défilé à #Nime…
New Interface for Sound Evolution (NISE):
Blog post on an Interactive Music System (#IMS), or a #NIME, based on sounds from synth.is (#kromosynth), tuning lattices and #tetromino forms.
#ims #nime #kromosynth #tetromino
@samuelvanransbeeck Thanks for the hint! I actually know her well, we are together on the board of #audiomostly ;) She does excellent work indeed!
Is she (or someone else from the #sonification #auditorydisplay #sonicinteraction #smc #nime communities somewhere on Mastodon already? We might compile a list, as some other academic / scholar networks have done already.
#nime #smc #sonicinteraction #auditorydisplay #sonification #audiomostly
#NIME website is updated so I guess I can share my work with Anne-Sophie Andersen that's part of this year's conference. http://nime2021.org/program/#/paper/76 It's a web-based 3D model based on analysis done on Gerard Grisey's composition for chamber ensemble Talea that you can explore, mouse-over for analysis details, and press P to play relevant snippets from a performance. I used #threejs for all the 3D bits of the model (generated on system load), #p5js and #processing to generate their textures, and #python for a bit of data conversion here and there.
#python #processing #p5js #threejs #nime
Georgia Tech School of Music
Guthman Musical Instrument Competition
2021 Call for Submissions
Submission deadline: October 1, 2020
I have put a survey online for my book project: https://justaquestionofmapping.info/survey/
If you are making interactive works or your own instruments with sensors, please help me out!
#mapping #survey #nime #interactiveart #dancetech
#mapping #survey #nime #interactiveart #dancetech