#NimeshPatel: Vee-vec #Ramaswamy’s first “truth” is god is real. Then why’d he make you 5’7”? You can’t be president at 5’7”…
I want him to win because I want #SNL https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT82Rqxbh/
#NimeshPatel: Racism happens everywhere. White people, have you ever gotten a bad coffee at Dunkin’, ’cause I haven’t https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RsFh6a1Ji3o
#NimeshPatel: ‘60 minutes into the set… she raised her hand… “Can you talk about your experience being on The Daily Show?” This woman spent 60 minutes thinking I was #HasanMinhaj’ https://youtu.be/6scJDZ7Deiw
#NimeshPatel: #NikkiHaley is the female #BobbyJindal
[On her #desi identity, she’s mostly the opposite]
#nimeshpatel #nikkihaley #bobbyjindal #desi
#NimeshPatel: #Kamala’s black and Indian, so I wonder who she prays to. “C’mon, Elepahnt Jesus” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=60sWo6AaZWM