Dancing Magnons: Team @HZDR advances to next step toward #neuromorphic computing
Scientists of EU funded project #NIMFEIA demonstrate that their approach can be seamlessly integrated into conventional chip manufacturing, as they report:
▶️ https://www.hzdr.de/presse/magnonen
Image: HZDR / H.Schultheiß
RT @HZDR_Dresden@twitter.com
EU-funded project #NIMFEIA en route to brain-inspired computing: Scientists @HZDR_Dresden@twitter.com team up to prepare #neuromorphic component for industrial use.
@UnivParisSaclay@twitter.com @CNRS@twitter.com @uni_mainz_eng@twitter.com @Radboud_Uni@twitter.com @Infineon@twitter.com @GlobalFoundries@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HZDR_Dresden/status/1590991194355793920