Drum Tower: Drum Tower: Digging the past (28m) : https://castro.fm/episode/ft3xKk
«The South China Sea is full of treasure. Last year, Chinese researchers found two ships from the Ming Dynasty(..) the Communist Party is using archaeology to enhance its territorial claims, and (..) Xi Jinping is putting ancient history at the centre of politics. »
@kenji WTF?
Die haben nicht wirklich den Größenwahn aus Peking in form der #nineDashLine übernommen, oder? ODER?
Wait, *this* is the map that they think shows the #NineDashLine? https://www.npr.org/2023/07/06/1186178724/barbie-movie-philippines-vietnam-china-map #Barbie #BarbieMovie #SouthChinaSea #geopolitics #maps #cartography
#ninedashline #barbie #barbiemovie #southchinasea #geopolitics #maps #cartography
This is not the first animated movie to run afoul of the #NineDashLine, apparently Dreamworks was pulled from Vietnam for the same reason. #geopolitics https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/15/asia/vietnam-abominable-south-china-sea-intl-hnk/index.html
#China muss immer das Opfer sein, das ist Teil der Propaganda. Dass China sich ungehemmt und mit Verweis auf die unsinnige #NineDashLine im Südostasiatischen Meer breit macht und darum Zwist mit allen Nachbarn hat: geschenkt.
Dass China die Grenzen im Himalaya per Salamitaktik verschieben will und dies schon zu Konflikten mit Toten mit Indien geführt hat: geschenkt.
Alle gegen das arme China, immer und immer wieder. Mimimi.
Never mind the decision taken in 2016 by the #UNCLOS arbitration court, telling Beijing to forget about its #NineDashLine and its attempt to expand and militarize islands and reefs in the West Philippines Sea, also known as the East Vietnam Sea and the North Indonesia Sea.
Expansionist and brazen China needs to be held at bay.
#China coast guard patrolled #WestPHSea almost every day in 2022 | #SouthChinaSea #MaritimeBorders #Philippines
#ninedashline #westphsea #southchinasea #maritimeborders #philippines #unclos #china
All this fuss about #Taiwan.
Don't forget they still claim, without any legal foundation, rights to waters within the ridiculous #NineDashLine.
They're no better than #China.
Fuck em.
Good to see the #USNavy performing a robust #FONOP in the East Vietnam Sea. According to a finding from #UNCLOS arbitration court in 2016, #Beijing's #NineDashLine is wishful thinking without any lawful foundation. The swath of water between Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam, China, Taiwan and the Philippines is #internationalwaters and no way Chinese territory. #China need to be put in its place, again and again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippines_v._China
#usnavy #fonop #unclos #beijing #ninedashline #internationalwaters #china
I wipe my arse with #China's #ninedashline. The International Court of Maritime Law in The Hague has told China clearly that its claims are baseless. The East Vietnam Sea or North Indonesian Sea is #Internationalwaters. #Nansha and #Xisha my ass, these expansive acts in the middle of a #pandemic that has been caused by the same authoritarian rogue state are unacceptable. To hell with China's #CCP.
#china #ninedashline #internationalwaters #Nansha #Xisha #pandemic #ccp