#Hulu will proceed with a second edition of #NinePerfectStrangers with #NicoleKidman returning to star and executive produce. Joining her will be #LivUllman, #MurrayBartlett, #DollyDeLeon, #MaisieRichardsonSellers and #ArasAydin. #television #streaming
#hulu #nineperfectstrangers #nicolekidman #livullman #murraybartlett #dollydeleon #maisierichardsonsellers #arasaydin #television #streaming
Nine Perfect Strangers - Renewed for a 2nd Season
#NinePerfectStrangers #TV #Television #Renewed #Renewals
#nineperfectstrangers #tv #television #renewed #renewals
Nine Perfect Strangers - Renewed for a 2nd Season
#NinePerfectStrangers #TV #Television #Renewed #Renewals
#nineperfectstrangers #tv #television #renewed #renewals
A Liane Moriarty é a rainha da construção de personagens #livros #NinePerfectStrangers
Tuli luettua Liane Moriartyn Nine Perfect Strangers. En tiedä olenko sairastelun takia jotenkin ylitunteellinen, koska ei jesta miten ottikin koville lukea Napoleonin, Heatherin ja Zoen tarinaa. Voi Zach. 😭 Moriartyn ihmiskuvaus on aina hirmuisen tarkkanäköistä. Ja siis yleensähän en pidä siitä, että kirjailijat kirjoittaa kirjailijoita, mutta harlekiiniromantiikkaa kirjoittavan Francesin hahmo oli symppis.
#kirjat #kirjamastodon #nineperfectstrangers
Wasn't expecting to get into the #NinePerfectStrangers mini series on SBS as I had decided against reading Liane Moriarty's novel. It was good with Melissa McCarthy a particular highlight. No idea how true to the novel it is.
#nineperfectstrangers #books #dramaseries #findingjoy
Sci Fi/Fantasy/Comics
#WheelOfTimeOnPrime #wheeloftime
#BSG #battlestargalactica
Reality TV
#RingsOfPower #theboys #WheelOfTimeOnPrime #wheeloftime #Invincible #themagicians #bsg #battlestargalactica #theonethatgotaway #thetourist #marvelousmsmaisel #thegreat #nineperfectstrangers
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