"#NingenFushin: Adventurers Who Don't Believe in Humanity Will Save the World" ya se encuentra disponible con su doblaje latino en exclusiva por #CrunchyrollLA!
#juevesdedoblaje #ningenfushin #crunchyrollla
Here’s what I’ve read so far in February. Reviews of most of these will be up at @beneaththetangles, but @ me if you want to discuss!
* Graphic by our dear staffer, Marg. #manga #lightnovel #wandance #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten #ningenfushin #anime
#manga #lightnovel #wandance #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #ningenfushin #anime
I reviewed volume two of Apparently, Disillusioned Adventurers Will Save the World for this week’s Reader’s Corner on @beneaththetangles: https://beneaththetangles.com/2023/02/21/readers-corner-february-21-2023-2/
It’s a sizeable improvement over an already-solid first volume. The novel’s conclusion aligns with episode 7 of anime (confusingly adapted as #ningenfushin) and provides a lot more context and meaning than the series does. #lightnovel #anime
#ningenfushin #lightnovel #anime
Latest #NingenFushin was interesting. Took longer than expected but we saw a second Union.
I mean here are the #Winter2020Anime shows that I’m still watching:
#KanColle (assuming it solves its scheduling issues and actually delivers another episode) (Shigure still needs all the hugs)
#FarmingLifeInAnotherWorld (Yes it’s a harem show, but pleasant enough for what it is)
#winter2020anime #thetaleofoutcasts #saving80000goldinanotherworldformyretirement #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #strongestexorcist #reborntomastertheblade #campfirecookinginanotherworld #ningenfushin #sugarapplefairytale #reincarnatedprincess #bofuri #handymansaitouinanotherworld #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague #inspectre #kancolle #farminglifeinanotherworld #ipponagain #kubowontletmebeinvisible
Done with #ningenfushin. The pacing is poor and the characters are not engaging to me. #anime
BTW the sword is called the “Sword of Bonds”… and the human(ish) form of the sword is called Kizuna… which means “Bonds”.
However much I’m liking this show (and I’m liking it a lot actually), subtle it ain’t. #ningenfushin
Well #ningenfushin seem to have picked up a sentient sword. He? It? seems nice enough I guess. Has this “By Your Powers Combined” thing going on where he can merge two of the adventurers into a single being temporarily… if they trust each other enough.
So, naturally, given what “Adventurers Who Don’t Believe In Humanity Will Save The World” is ABOUT that means we’ll eventually get so see all the main characters merged in some combination or other. At least I assume so.
That was good. How do you trust people you’ve never worked with before at your back in combat? #NingenFushin
#NingenFushin has potential I think. But coming to like the characters might be a challenge. Let’s see where it goes in the next couple of episodes.
OK, back to #CrunchyRoll for a bit. Next up is #NingenFushin: Adventurers Who Don’t Believe In Humanity Will Save the World.
So, from what I’ve heard, this is four adventurers who get kicked out of their original parties coming together.
Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save the World (Episode 1):
It's all setup for why they don't trust others. It was nothing amazing, and characters seem alright. There is potential here and I'll give it another episode or 2 to see if its worth watching to its completion.
#ningenfushin #anime #winter2023anime
First episode of #NingenFushin looks promising. They covered a LOT of ground for one ep. Not a fan of the false rape accusation trope, though. It's stereotypes like this that lead to real victims not being believed. Apart from that, a solid hook. #anime