#Autore non identificato - #VittorioGassmane #NinoManfredi in "Il gaucho" di Dino Risi,
#autore #vittoriogassmane #ninomanfredi #photography #italian #cinema
#Autore non identificato - #VittorioGassmane #NinoManfredi in "Il gaucho" di Dino Risi,
#autore #vittoriogassmane #ninomanfredi #photography #italian #cinema
49 years ago:
Bread and Chocolate (IT)
Original title: Pane e cioccolata
An Italian immigrant tries to make a new life in Switzerland, taking on a series of increasingly menial jobs in order to do it. He attempts to fit into his new home and society but fails at every turn. Unable to go home again, will his tenacity and optimism be enough to live on?
#BreadandChocolate #FrancoBrusati #NinoManfredi #AnnaKarina #PaoloTurco #ClassicFilm
#breadandchocolate #francobrusati #ninomanfredi #annakarina #paoloturco #classicfilm
61 years ago:
Roaring Years (IT)
Original title: Anni ruggenti
In this satire inspired by Nikolai Gogol’s The Government Inspector (aka The Inspector General) and transported to fascist era Italy, the (supposed) incognito visit of a Roman fascist official to a tiny country town shakes deeply the ruling class and their lack of integrity.
#RoaringYears #NinoManfredi #GinoCervi #MichèleMercier #Movies
#roaringyears #ninomanfredi #ginocervi #michelemercier #movies
54 years ago:
I See Naked (IT)
Original title: Vedo nudo
Seven sketches including the title sketch "I See Naked" in which a fashion editor begins to see naked women everywhere he goes.
#ISeeNaked #DinoRisi #NinoManfredi #SylvaKoscina #EnricoMariaSalerno #ClassicMovies
#iseenaked #dinorisi #ninomanfredi #sylvakoscina #enricomariasalerno #classicmovies
52 years ago:
Between Miracles (IT)
Original title: Per grazia ricevuta
Benedetto is a child who came out of an accident uninjured on his first communion's day. The people of his village attribute that to a miracle and made him undergo a strict religious upbringing. That fact will determine his life, which will be affected by inner torment caused by the confrontation be...
#BetweenMiracles #NinoManfredi #LionelStander #ClassicMovies
#betweenmiracles #ninomanfredi #lionelstander #classicmovies
44 years ago:
A Dangerous Toy (IT)
Original title: Il giocattolo
A meek book-keeper is introduced to gun shooting by a friend, and appears to be very gifted. But things go wrong when he gets involved with gangsters.
#ADangerousToy #GiulianoMontaldo #NinoManfredi #MarlèneJobert #VittorioMezzogiorno #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#adangeroustoy #giulianomontaldo #ninomanfredi #marlenejobert #vittoriomezzogiorno #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
55 years ago:
Italian Secret Service (IT)
A war hero turned unemployed is hired by a British man whose life he saved during the war, for a secret mission: to kill a neo-nazi.
#ItalianSecretService #LuigiComencini #NinoManfredi #CliveRevill #JeanSobieski #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#italiansecretservice #luigicomencini #ninomanfredi #cliverevill #jeansobieski #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film