Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 console #nintendo2ds #2ds édition #newsupermariobros2 et un jeu #snes #supermariokart #smk #RETROGAMING
#nintendo2ds #2ds #newsupermariobros2 #snes #supermariokart #smk #retrogaming
#Nintendo #WiiU #NintendoWiiU #3DS #2DS #Nintendo3DS #eShop #NintendoeShop #3DSThemeShop #eShopClosure #Nintendo2DS #New3DS #NewNintendo3DS
It's over. Rest in pieces.
Whoever thought this was a great idea to do has made a great mistake.
Error 007-5503
#newnintendo3ds #new3ds #nintendo2ds #eshopclosure #3dsthemeshop #nintendoeshop #eshop #nintendo3ds #2ds #3ds #nintendowiiu #wiiu #Nintendo
Okay, played some #SonicHellfireSaga on my laptop and it was very cool Sonic 3 and Knuckles Rom Hack horror game.
So far, efforts to play it on my #Nintendo2DS have been failing so far. The solo #SegaGenesis #emulator for the 3DS I have (PicoDrive) does not appears up to the task and crashed out a few times.
PicoDrive or Genesis Plus GX inside #RetroArch both work great in #Linux with the game, but on 2DS the back end of RetroArch creates a lot of lag so, not an option.
Anyway, if you want to try it out - here's the developer's site
Tags: #RomHack #VideoGames #RetroGaming
#sonichellfiresaga #nintendo2ds #segagenesis #emulator #retroarch #linux #romhack #videogames #retrogaming
After seeing @SpinBall post about it, decided to get #SonicClassicHeroes to try out tonight on my #Nintendo2DS. Runs like a dream and was a lot more fun than I expected.
Especially considering I really did not enjoy the original Sonic Heroes. At all.
It's a Rom Hack that plows through Sonic 1 & 2 levels giving you a team of players that you can cycle through. It's a neat idea.
Can't wait to try it out with Team Chaotix later!
Tags: #Emulator #RetroGaming #RomHack #SegaGenesis #Sega #SonicTheHedgehog
#sonicclassicheroes #nintendo2ds #emulator #retrogaming #romhack #segagenesis #sega #sonicthehedgehog
Now that I've installed some of these things onto my 2DS...I wonder if anyone has made a #Mastodon client for the #Nintendo3DS. Hmm...
Well, maybe I can find a good homebrew browser.
#mastodon #nintendo3ds #nintendo2ds #homebrewsoftware
Okay, installed a #SNES emulator (SNES 9x) and tried #SuperMarioRPG. So far, so good. Running pretty smooth. However, I haven't done much in the game yet, but it started very smoothly, audio came out good, no issues so far.
Then I went back to more #SegaGenesis emulation and tried out Ultimate #MortalKombat 3 - which worked very smoothly and reminded me how bad I was at Ultimate MK3.
All in all, cool to start collecting games I owned that can't play anymore due to hardware failure or other issues onto a single little handheld
Tags: #RetroGaming #VideoGames #Nintendo3DS #Sega #Emulator #HomebrewSoftware #Nintendo2DS
#snes #supermariorpg #segagenesis #mortalkombat #retrogaming #videogames #nintendo3ds #sega #emulator #homebrewsoftware #nintendo2ds
After a suggestion from @scribblemacher, I uninstalled RetroArch and installed a few direct emulators to the #Nintendo2DS and the emulators work so much more smoothly. Still no good 32X emulator, but Sonic 2: Pink Edition and Eternal Champions run great!
At some point I'll look into other types of homebrew 3DS software, but this will last me a while!
So exciting.
Tags: #RomHack #RetroGaming #VideoGames #Sonic2 #Nintendo3DS #Sega #Emulator #HomebrewSoftware
#nintendo2ds #romhack #retrogaming #videogames #sonic2 #nintendo3ds #sega #emulator #homebrewsoftware
I've had a bit of lag with more #Genesis games, including Sonic 2: Pink Edition. The more I play the more I see the lag.
Guess I'll need to figure out the right settings to minimize the lag.
Anyone with more 2DS / 3DS #RetroArch experience feel free to tag me.
Tags: #RomHack #RetroGaming #VideoGames #Sonic2 #Nintendo3DS #Nintendo2DS
#genesis #retroarch #romhack #retrogaming #videogames #sonic2 #nintendo3ds #nintendo2ds
Well, my 11 year old decided she didn't want her #Nintendo2DS, fine by me. I'll take it.
Took some time this afternoon to soft-mod it to install some #homebrew software. First attempted software - #RetroArch. Installed the #Genesis, #GameBoy, and #GameBoyAdvance cores to start.
Genesis & #GBC games working fine. Tried Knuckles Chaotix for 32X...not working quite so well. May have to try another core that run 32X games later.
Oh well, time for my favorite #SonicTheHedgehog2 Rom Hack - Pink Edition.
Tags: #SonicTheHedgehog #RomHack #RetroGaming #VideoGames #Sonic2
#nintendo2ds #homebrew #retroarch #genesis #gameboy #gameboyadvance #gbc #sonicthehedgehog2 #sonicthehedgehog #romhack #retrogaming #videogames #sonic2
Ein eigentlich tolles Spiel mit (meiner Meinung nach) ultra schlechter Umsetzung auf dem DS/2DS/3DS 🙈 Total ruckelig, entweder zu kleiner Ausschnitt oder beim Rauszoomen kaum noch was zu erkennen. Dieses Spiel hätte man sich echt auf dem System sparen sollen 😄
#retrogames #retrogaming #retrogamer #gaming #gamer #retro #classicgaming #classicgames #classicgamer #retrocommunity #retrocollection #nintendo #nintendoDS #nintendo2DS #nintendo3DS #DieSiedler #TheSettlers
#TheSettlers #diesiedler #nintendo3ds #nintendo2ds #nintendods #nintendo #retrocollection #retrocommunity #classicgamer #classicgames #classicgaming #retro #gamer #gaming #retrogamer #retrogaming #retrogames
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 consoles #nintendo2ds #nintendo3ds #n2ds #n3ds édition #Pikachu #pokemon
#nintendo2ds #nintendo3ds #n2ds #n3ds #pikachu #pokemon
It occurs to me that I have #NintendoDS, #nintendo3dsXL, and #nintendo2ds. I can use cartridges and DS games for advanced #pokemon trading.
#nintendods #nintendo3dsxl #nintendo2ds #pokemon
¡Pues ya tengo la primera remesa de juegos de #NewNintendo2dsXL! Van a ser Kirby planet robobot, profesor layton vs ace Attorney y fire emblem awakening. ¿Que otros juegos pensáis que debería probar? ¡Os escucho! 👀
(Que no sean los pokemon, el Ocarina of time y bravely default, que esos ya los jugué XD)
#Nintendo #Nintendo3ds #Nintendo2ds
#newnintendo2dsxl #Nintendo #nintendo3ds #nintendo2ds
Ik heb er 2, dus deze mag weg. Leuk Sinterklaascadeautje! #nintendo2ds
Ik heb er 2, dus deze mag weg. Leuk Sinterklaascadeautje! #nintendo2ds
Ik heb er 2, dus deze mag weg. Leuk Sinterklaascadeautje! #nintendo2ds
Me estaba planteando piratearme mi #Nintendo2DS cuando cerrase la eshop pero, a la misma vez, estoy considerando la opción de dejar esta 2DS tal y como está y comprarme una #NewNintendo2DS y piratear esa para poder disfrutar mejor del catálogo que no pude comprar en mi consola original. Estoy dividido...
#Nintendo2ds vs #Nintendo3ds
🤔La verdad cuando vi por primera vez el 3ds me encanto la experiencia como novedad, pero hoy por hoy puedo decir que si es más barato 💵 un 2ds es mejor opción porque en lo personal nunca uso el 3d 😑