Found the GameCube last night. Here's my controller for it that I bought as a child with a Meijer gift card, and the first game I ever owned. I didn't ask for the game, heck, had never heard of it, but in traditional Hudak fashion, they went with it anyways. About 17-18 years later I still haven't beaten it. Too hard.
#nintendo #nintendogamecube #Gaming
Well, last week I got my hands on Metroid Prime Remastered from the library. I do have the original on the Gamecube, but never got far because the game crashed too many times and I ended up rage quitting due to that. But, enjoying it quite a bit so far, even if it is a bit too dark at times to see what's going on. Might have to plug back in my Gamecube to play Echoes. This is easily the longest I've ever stuck with a Metroid game.
#Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #NintendoGamecube #Metroid #Gaming
#nintendo #nintendoswitch #nintendogamecube #metroid #Gaming
Cirdan am Ende... VON ETERNAL DARKNESS. Und weil wir gerade dabei sind wird der Layton hinterher auch noch glattgezogen! Die letzten Rätsel vom geheimnisvollen Dorf werden hinweggefegt. PS: Die Nachfolgenden Sendungen verschieben sich um gute 24 Stunden... #nintendods #nintendo3ds #nintendo #professorlayton #layton #gamecube #nintendogamecube #eternaldarkness #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer
#nintendods #nintendo3ds #nintendo #professorlayton #layton #gamecube #nintendogamecube #eternaldarkness #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer
Irgendwie verkünde ich seit Wochen das Ende von Eternal Darkness - aber irgendwie ist das Enternaler als ich dachte 🤣Jetzt aber! #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer #nintendo #ngc #gamecube #nintendogamecube #nintendongc #gamecubegaming
#retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer #nintendo #ngc #gamecube #nintendogamecube #nintendongc #gamecubegaming
Bis heute weiß ich fast noch alle Zaubersprüche. Schade, dass so selten in Spielen von eigener Magie Gebrauch gemacht wird. Auf Anhieb fallen mir nur noch Arx Fatalis und Ultima Underworld ein.
#retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer #nintendo #ngc #gamecube #nintendogamecube #nintendongc #gamecubegaming
#retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer #nintendo #ngc #gamecube #nintendogamecube #nintendongc #gamecubegaming
So langsam gehts ins Engame bei Eternal Darkness - welche Schrecken und Sanity Effekte erwarten uns wohl heute? Kaum zu glauben wie frisch sich dieses 21 jähre Gamecube Juwel heute noch spielt. Ein Jammer, dass es nie eine Fortsetzung gegeben hat und die Entwickler mit Too Human einen solch kolossalen Flop ablieferten. #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer #nintendo #ngc #gamecube #nintendogamecube #nintendongc #gamecubegaming
#gamecubegaming #nintendongc #nintendogamecube #gamecube #ngc #nintendo #streamer #twitchstream #twitchdeutschland #twitch #retrogames #retrogamer #retrogaming #retro
Our 22 favourite games of 2023 so far - #Paranormasight:TheSevenMysteriesOfHonjo #WeLoveKatamariReroll+RoyalReverie #Strategy:Turn-BasedStrategy #Strategy:Real-TimeStrategy #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #BlizzardEntertainment #ASpaceForTheUnbound #Shooter:FirstPerson #ResidentEvil4Remake #ThatWhichGaveChase #Birdview/Isometric #RelicEntertainment #VisualNovel&Dating; #Survival&Crafting; #NintendoGameCube #Sega
#sega #nintendogamecube #survival #visualnovel #relicentertainment #birdview #thatwhichgavechase #ResidentEvil4remake #shooter #ASpaceForTheUnbound #blizzardentertainment #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive #strategy #welovekatamarireroll #paranormasight
I noticed a new Nintendo documentary has been released 🕹️ 👀
If I get time to view it, I'll update this post with some feedback 👍
#Nintendo #GameBoy #GameCube #Wii #Switch #NintendoGameBoy #NintendoWii #NintendoSwitch #NintendoGameCube #Gaming #GameDev #MobileGaming
#nintendo #gameboy #gamecube #wii #switch #nintendogameboy #nintendowii #nintendoswitch #nintendogamecube #gaming #gamedev #mobilegaming
Tja leider gelogen, die alte hat uns hängen lassen und dann noch das Herz rausgeklaut. Weiter gehts in unserem Playthrough im Kampf gegen Eternal Darkness und den Wahnsinn. #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer #nintendo #ngc #gamecube #nintendogamecube #nintendongc #gamecubegaming #gamecubegames #mclassic #gchdmk2
#gchdmk2 #mclassic #gamecubegames #gamecubegaming #nintendongc #nintendogamecube #gamecube #ngc #nintendo #streamer #twitchstream #twitchdeutschland #twitch #retrogames #retrogamer #retrogaming #retro
#NintendoGameCube #GameCube #Nintendo #VirtuaStriker3ver2002 #VirtuaStriker3 #AmusementVision #Sega #NintendoDS #DS #SuperPrincessPeach #Tose #NintendoSwitch #Switch #AdvanceWars1plus2ReBootCamp #WayForward
#nintendogamecube #gamecube #nintendo #virtuastriker3ver2002 #virtuastriker3 #amusementvision #sega #NintendoDS #ds #superprincesspeach #tose #nintendoswitch #switch #advancewars1plus2rebootcamp #wayforward
Start des gemütlichen Gamecube Abends mit ungemütlichem Ende via Eternal Darkness :) Wgah'nagl fhtagn!
#retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer #nintendo #ngc #gamecube #nintendogamecube #nintendongc #gamecubegaming #gamecubegames #mclassic #gchdmk2
#gchdmk2 #mclassic #gamecubegames #gamecubegaming #nintendongc #nintendogamecube #gamecube #ngc #nintendo #streamer #twitchstream #twitchdeutschland #twitch #retrogames #retrogamer #retrogaming #retro
GameCube game collection reveal.
#nintendo #Gaming #gamecube #nintendogamecube
Nach Tagen wie heute erstmal wandern gehen um den Kopf freizubekommen. Jetzt live mit Nintendos Gamecube :) #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitchde #twitch #twitchstream #streamer #twitchstreamer #gamecube #nintendo #nintendogamecube #ngc #eternaldarkness #mclassic #gchd #gchdmk2 #gamecubegames #gamecubegaming
#gamecubegaming #gamecubegames #gchdmk2 #gchd #mclassic #eternaldarkness #ngc #nintendogamecube #nintendo #gamecube #twitchstreamer #streamer #twitchstream #twitch #twitchde #retrogames #retrogamer #retrogaming #retro
After @dolphin was banned from the Steam storefront, #Nintendo provided a statement to Kotaku stating that it illegally circumvented Nintendo's protection measures and it runs illegal copies of games. Using illegal emulators/game copies harms development and stifles innovation.
#dolphin #dolphinemulator #wii #gamecube #wiiu #nintendowii #gcn #nintendogamecube
#nintendogamecube #gcn #nintendowii #wiiu #gamecube #wii #dolphinemulator #dolphin #Nintendo
Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time remake is still in the "early stage" of development - #PrinceofPersia:TheSandsofTimeRemake #PrinceofPersia:TheSandsofTime #SonyComputerEntertainment #NintendoGameCube #UbisoftMontreal #ActionAdventure #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #NintendoGBA #Platformer #Nintendo #Fighting #Ubisoft #XboxOne #Puzzle #Xbox #PS4 #PS2 #PC
#pc #ps2 #ps4 #xbox #puzzle #xboxone #ubisoft #fighting #nintendo #platformer #nintendogba #thirdperson #singleplayer #ActionAdventure #ubisoftmontreal #nintendogamecube #sonycomputerentertainment #PrinceofPersia
Ray tracing is coming back to the Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 remakes - #ResidentEvil3:Nemesis #NintendoGameCube #EidosInteractive #ActionAdventure #ResidentEvil2 #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #VirginGames #Nintendo #Shooter #XboxOne #Horror #Capcom #PS4 #PS5 #PS1 #PC
#pc #ps1 #ps5 #ps4 #capcom #horror #xboxone #shooter #nintendo #virgingames #thirdperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #ResidentEvil2 #ActionAdventure #EidosInteractive #nintendogamecube #residentevil3
Birdo está disponível em #MarioKart8Deluxe, com mais oito pistas que incluem pistas clássicas da #GameBoyAdvance, #NintendoGameCube, #NintendoDS, #NintendoWii, #MarioKartTour e uma pista nova.
#moshbitgaming #mariokarttour #nintendowii #nintendods #nintendogamecube #gameboyadvance #mariokart8deluxe
With all the updates to #MetroidPrimeRemastered, I'm glad this glitch still exists with the Flaahgra fight.
#Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Metroid #MetroidPrime #NintendoGamecube
#metroidprimeremastered #nintendo #nintendoswitch #metroid #metroidprime #nintendogamecube
Today's retrogaming finds :)
#retrogaming #videogames #retrogame #NintendoGameCube #GameCube #gamer #gamers #GamingScarrmy
#retrogaming #videogames #retrogame #nintendogamecube #gamecube #gamer #gamers #gamingscarrmy
I still actively play all these through my Retrotink 5x… #videogames #retrogaming #segadreamcast #nintendogamecube #snes #segagenesis #lemmy
#videogames #RetroGaming #segadreamcast #nintendogamecube #snes #segagenesis #lemmy