Play N64 Games the Right Way With This Classic Controller Adapter - Game consoles typically support a limited number of input devices, meaning that co... - #gamecontroller #nintendoswitch #nintendohacks #nintendo64 #blackpill
#blackpill #nintendo64 #nintendohacks #nintendoswitch #gamecontroller
TinyTendo is a Miniscule Yet Real NES - These days, it’s possible to get a single-board computer the size of a stick of gu... - #nintendohacks #tinytendo #nintendo #nes
#nes #nintendo #tinytendo #nintendohacks
A Guided Tour of the NES - No matter your age or background, there’s an excellent chance you’ll recognize the... - #nintendoentertainmentsystem #nintendohacks #teardown #tour #nes
#nes #tour #teardown #nintendohacks #nintendoentertainmentsystem
Pokemon ROM Hacks Brought to the Real World - If you were a kid anywhere in the last 30 years, it was nearly impossible to avoid... - #nintendohacks #cartridge #florasky #emerald #firered #pokemon #romhack #flash #vega #rom
#rom #vega #flash #romhack #pokemon #firered #emerald #florasky #cartridge #nintendohacks
Breadboarding a Game Boy From Scratch - The original Nintendo Game Boy is a stout piece of hardware in a solid plastic enc... - #nintendogameboyhacks #nintendogameboy #nintendohacks #teensy4.1 #nintendo #gameboy #teensy
#teensy #gameboy #nintendo #teensy4 #nintendohacks #nintendogameboy #nintendogameboyhacks
Kirby Sucks, Literally - What’s common between one of the most legendary video game characters of all time ... - #solderfumeextractor #3dprinterhacks #nintendohacks #fumeextractor #hallaboratory #fumehood #nintendo #gameboy #fumes #kirby
#kirby #fumes #gameboy #nintendo #fumehood #hallaboratory #fumeextractor #nintendohacks #3dprinterhacks #solderfumeextractor
Java Is Now On The Nintendo 64! - Whether it’s your favorite programming language, or your favorite beverage, there’... - #nintendohacks #softwarehacks #nintendo64 #nintendo #java #n64
#n64 #java #nintendo #nintendo64 #softwarehacks #nintendohacks
DIY Game Boy Games Make The Perfect Christmas Gift - Sometimes, the best gift is the one you make yourself. [Pigeonaut] decided to whip... - #nintendogameboyhacks #nintendohacks #homebrew #nintendo #gameboy
#gameboy #nintendo #homebrew #nintendohacks #nintendogameboyhacks
[Sebastian] aveva un problema complicato da risolvere. I concorrenti di un torneo di Tetris avevano bisogno di riprodurre in streaming i video dei loro schermi del Game Boy, ma non esisteva alcuna soluzione. Per motivi di equità, gli emulatori erano fuori uso e non era possibile apportare modifiche ...
#23Dicembre #NintendoGameBoyHacks #NintendoHacks #gameboy #nintendo
#nintendo #gameboy #nintendohacks #nintendogameboyhacks #23dicembre
GB Interceptor Enables Live Screen Capture From Game Boy - [Sebastian] had a tricky problem to solve. Competitors in a Tetris tournament need... - #nintendogameboyhacks #nintendohacks #videocapture #videogames #streaming #nintendo #gameboy #tetris
#tetris #gameboy #nintendo #streaming #videogames #videocapture #nintendohacks #nintendogameboyhacks
A Game Boy Advance – Downgraded! - We feature a large number of game console mods here, because enhancing the experie... - #nintendogameboyhacks #gameboyadvance #nintendohacks #rp2040 #gba #lcd
#lcd #gba #rp2040 #nintendohacks #gameboyadvance #nintendogameboyhacks
Portable Monitor Extension for Nintendo Switch - Handheld consoles are always a tradeoff between portability and screen real estate... - #portableconsole #handheldshacks #nintendoswitch #nintendohacks #hardware #toyhacks #handheld #nintendo #portable #games
#games #portable #nintendo #handheld #toyhacks #hardware #nintendohacks #nintendoswitch #handheldshacks #portableconsole
Bringing the Hinge to a 1990s Game Boy - The new hotness in mobile phones is it seems a hinge, and an ever-so-fragile flexi... - #nintendogameboyhacks #gameboyadvancesp #nintendohacks #gameboypocket #consolemod #gameboy
#gameboy #consolemod #gameboypocket #nintendohacks #gameboyadvancesp #nintendogameboyhacks
Robot Gets a Life-Sized Pokemon Costume For Halloween - Quadruped robots are everywhere now that companies like Boston Dynamics are shippi... - #quadrupedrobot #nintendohacks #robotshacks #quadruped #jolteon #pokemon #robot
#robot #pokemon #jolteon #quadruped #robotshacks #nintendohacks #quadrupedrobot
This Wii Has an Apple M1 Inside - The conveniently tiny logic board of the M1 Mac mini has lead to it giving the Min... - #nintendowiihacks #3dprinterhacks #computerhacks #nintendohacks #applesilicon #casemodding #nintendowii #mariokart #machacks #toyhacks #casemods #nintendo #applem1 #casemod #macmini #games #wii #m1
#m1 #wii #games #macmini #casemod #AppleM1 #nintendo #casemods #toyhacks #machacks #mariokart #nintendowii #casemodding #applesilicon #nintendohacks #computerhacks #3dprinterhacks #nintendowiihacks
How Those NES DIP Chips Were Reduced To QFNs - The world of console modding leads us to some extremely impressive projects, and a... - #nintendohacks #chipsanding #nes #qfn
#qfn #nes #chipsanding #nintendohacks
Luigi’s Mansion First Person Mod Brings Spooky New Perspective - The Nintendo GameCube in many ways defied expectations. It was purple, it had butt... - #nintendohacks #halloween #videogame #nintendo #romhack #games #fps
#fps #games #romhack #nintendo #videogame #halloween #nintendohacks
Nintendo Switch Stock Dock Imperfect? Mill Your Own! - Despite the seat of honor it enjoys in literally millions of households, the offic... - #nintendoswitchdock #dockingstation #nintendoswitch #nintendohacks #casemodding #cncmilling #cnchacks
#cnchacks #cncmilling #casemodding #nintendohacks #nintendoswitch #Dockingstation #nintendoswitchdock
Making a Handheld NES By Turning DIP Chips into…QFN? - You can achieve a lot with a Dremel. For instance, apparently you can slim the ori... - #nintendohacks #leadframe #trimming #dremel #rp2a03 #parts #chip #die #dip #mod #nes
#nes #mod #dip #die #chip #parts #rp2a03 #dremel #trimming #leadframe #nintendohacks
ConnectedNES Brings Twitter Into Super Mario Bros World - Back in 2016, artist and video game historian [Rachel Weil (HXLNT)] was hanging ou... - #particlephoton #nintendohacks #twitter #games #nes
#nes #games #twitter #nintendohacks #particlephoton