Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 133
#VideoGames #WhereIRead #GameBoy #N64 #NintendoPower #VideoGameMagazines #VideoGames
#videogames #whereiread #gameboy #n64 #nintendopower #videogamemagazines #bot
@Roundcat I loved #NintendoPower too! I was so sad when they discontinued it. :ponecry:
Thanks to @mos_8502 for the virtual boy! But more importantly, thanks for throwing in some snacks. That's what I call customer service!
Next up, decide if I want to repair it or consolize it...
#nintendopower #nintendo #vr #virtualboy
A fun game. Unless of course you want to beat it...
#ninjagaiden #retrogaming #retro #nes #nintendo #nintendopower
#ninjagaiden #retrogaming #retro #nes #nintendo #nintendopower
Ninja Gaiden.
A game that would become a primary source of shattered NES controllers for years to come.
I feel like the cover of this issue of Nintendo Power was a little... uh, hastily made, we'll say.
Still POWER PACKED though, for sure!
#NintendoPower #Nintendo #NES #Retro #RetroGaming #NinjaGaiden
#ninjagaiden #retrogaming #retro #nes #nintendo #nintendopower
Debating whether to share images I took at the #NintendoPower 25th Anniversary party in #NYC , only because of sharing the photos of people cosplaying, and their face being in it... #photography #nintendo #question
#nintendopower #nyc #photography #nintendo #question
Don't forget Mario's humble beginnings in first issue of Nintendo Power's coverage of Super Mario Bros 2. These are some real gems. I loved seeing these when I was a kid, but now--these are straight up marker renderings! #nintendo #mario #supermario #nintendopower
#nintendopower #supermario #mario #nintendo
Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 132
#Videogames #WhereIRead #N64 #NintendoPower #NintendoPowerRetrospectives #videogamemagazines #Videogames
#videogames #whereiread #n64 #nintendopower #nintendopowerretrospectives #videogamemagazines #bot
Kotaku: Nintendo Is Still Going Hard With Breath of the Wild 6 Years Later, Despite Sequel #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamecharacters #openworldvideogames #fictionalcharacters #thelegendofzelda #nintendopower #princesszelda #videogaming #nintendo #zelda #link
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamecharacters #openworldvideogames #fictionalcharacters #thelegendofzelda #nintendopower #princesszelda #videogaming #nintendo #zelda #link
I am extremely good at äTetris on the #Gameboy and had my name listed in #NintendoPower magazine a few times in the early days for my top scores. After they wouldn’t print my name any more I submitted an entry with my names spelled backwards, #EvetsKainzow, and they printed it! (s w)
#gameboy #nintendopower #evetskainzow
#til #ClashAtDemonhead ist ein #NES-Spiel, und nicht nur eine famose Band in #ScottPilgrimVsTheWorld.
Hello again, friend of a friend... 🎶
#til #clashatdemonhead #nes #scottpilgrimvstheworld #nintendo #nintendopower
Nintendo Power #3 going ALL in with Track & Field II by gracing the cover with what are possibly the greatest shoes ever conceived.
"More Blaster Master". I don't doubt it... how anyone could complete that game without a strategy guide is well above my pay grade! 😅
#retrogaming #retro #nintendopower #nes #nintendo
I remember doing this trick back at the time. #StreetFighter #SFII #Nintendo #NintendoPower #videogames #videogaming #retrogamer #SNES #SuperNintendo #fightinggames
#streetfighter #sfii #nintendo #nintendopower #videogames #videogaming #retrogamer #snes #supernintendo #fightinggames
Did you know that each individual yoshi had its own name? In the late 90s, I forget if it was a Nintendo magazine or comic or what, but it put these names on all the other colored yoshis. I'd give a source, but I can't find the link and this pic is all I got.
#nintendo #yoshi #yoshisstory #nintendopower
In this special 2023 Nintendo Switch preview, the #NintendoPower Podcast team talks about their most anticipated titles, from Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe to The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Pikmin 4 and beyond!
🎧: link:
Another fine example of videogame art that goes EXTREMELY hard... at least by 1988 standards 😅
I didn't have a ton of experience with Gauntlet as a kid but I did play Gauntlet 64 a good bit.
Might be something worth taking a retro nibble soon though!
#retrogames #retro #gauntlet #nes #nintendo #nintendopower
"Hop to it! Don't lose your head. Pull for a victory." - Billy Lee's advice for a successful 2023!
Don't let the Shadow Boss bring you down!
#Nintendo #NintendoPower #NES #Retro #RetroGaming #Nostalgia #GamingNostalgia
#gamingnostalgia #nostalgia #retrogaming #retro #nes #nintendopower #nintendo
Billy Lee of Double Dragon looks like he would fit nicely in the Thriller music videos from this tips and tricks section of Nintendo Power's first issue.
I used to LOVE Double Dragon as a kid but I was absolute GARBAGE at the game.
... to this day I don't think I've beaten it...
#Nintendo #NintendoPower #NES #DoubleDragon #Retro #RetroGaming #Nostalgia
#nostalgia #retrogaming #retro #doubledragon #nes #nintendopower #nintendo
Time to do a little post-holiday light reading
Have you ever completed the Second Quest of the original NES Zelda game?
I wouldn't complete it until I started really getting into retro game emulation DECADES later.
It's difficult, way harder than the original quest, but I honestly think it's more fun because of it!
#Zelda #NES #Nintendo #NintendoPower #Retro #RetroGaming #Nostalgia #GamingNostalgia
#gamingnostalgia #nostalgia #retrogaming #retro #nintendopower #nintendo #nes #zelda