#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.9 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.8 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.6 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #neuroanalyzer
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.5 has been released
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #neuroanalyzer
The ARTscientific symposium is an open platform for all #NIRS enthusiasts to discuss the latest developments in neuroscience, psychology, neonatology, sports science, physiology, clinical research, and multi-modal applications like NIRS-#EEG-#tCS.
An ARTscientific symposium ticket includes all talks & workshops, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a night stay at the symposium's location: Leonardo Royal Hotel Frankfurt.
#researchers #neuroscience #brainresearch #sports #clinicalpsychology #medical
#nirs #EEG #tcs #researchers #neuroscience #brainresearch #Sports #clinicalpsychology #medical
We will have an in-person #ARTscientific again this year!
The Artinis #fNIRS symposium is an open platform for all #NIRS enthusiast. The program covers scientific lectures, social events, hands-on experience, NIRS introduction workshop, and platform to share your experiences with us and other attendees.
The first symposium will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, May 5 -6.
Registration and abstract submission is open! 👉 https://www.artinis.com/artscientific-2023
#artscientific #fnirs #nirs #neuroscience #research #bci #psychiatry #cognitive
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.4 has been released
among new features: #fNIRS data can be imported and processed
repository: https://codeberg.org/AdamWysokinski/NeuroAnalyzer.jl
changelog: https://neuroanalyzer.org/changelog.html
#julialang #nirs #eeg #fNIRS #neuroanalyzer
We are coming back with a NIRS introduction course. This time, the course will be held at the Birkbeck University of London, UK, on the 31st of march.
This one-day course will cover the theoretical background of NIRS, as well as the performance of a NIRS experiment from set-up to simple data analysis.
Sign up ✍ on our website https://www.artinis.com/nirs-introduction-course
Ooh interesting seeing muscle oxygen very clearly drop during hill/climbing workout. #nirs
Our January #NIRS newsletter is out!📨
This month, we cover:
🟡 Competitive #fNIRS #hyperscanning
🔵 A new perspective on respiratory interference in fNIRS data
🟡 #SNIRF shared data format, and
🔵 The first highlighted publications this year
Have access to Artinis January newsletter here: https://bit.ly/3iGx2Yk
#nirs #fnirs #hyperscanning #snirf
Elite Freedivers Beat #Seals During Deep Dives – Incredible Heart Rates and Brain Oxygen Levels
Back in 2021, McKnight et al. published a paper in which they used a special device, the PortaDiver, to make #NIRS measurements with elite #freedivers. This one-of-a-kind device is a modified version of the PortaLite mini, and was made by request for this specific study.
#seals #nirs #freedivers #diving #Sport #research #hemodynamics #brain #fnirs #hr
@KorayKaratay that's right! However, it's not like they are one or the other.
Depending on the research application, e.g. considering the temporal & spatial resolution as well as the degree of mobility, both has their own plus/minus.
Good thing that there are compatible #NIRS #fMRI devices to combine the techniques.
Near infrared spectroscopy #NIRS relies mainly on two characteristics of human tissue:
1. The relative transparency of tissue to light in the NIR range, and
2. The oxygenation-dependent light absorbing characteristics of #hemoglobin.
By using a number of different wavelengths, the relative changes in hemoglobin concentration can be displayed continuously.
#neuroscience #neuroimaging #research #brain #muscle #spectroscopy #EEG
#nirs #hemoglobin #neuroscience #neuroimaging #research #brain #muscle #spectroscopy #EEG
All cells in all organs of the body have a constant but variable need for #oxygen. However, the body stores for oxygen are minimal. A constant and adequate supply of oxygen to the tissues through the circulation is essential. Any interference with tissue oxygenation will lead very rapidly to irreversible damage.
Optical oximetry, and near infrared spectroscopy (#NIRS) in particular, is a tool for assessing of the #oxygenation status and #hemodynamics of various organs, e.g. #muscle and #brain.
#Oxygen #nirs #oxygenation #hemodynamics #muscle #brain
Hello everyone.
BIDS is the Brain Imaging Data Structure.
A simple and intuitive way to organize and describe your neuroimaging and behavioral data.
It supports data for #EEG, #MRI, #fMRI, #MEG, #iEEG, #PET, #microscopy, #NIRS and behavioral data.
The latest version of the specification can be found here: https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
The data validator is here: https://bids-standard.github.io/bids-validator/
#eeg #mri #fmri #meg #ieeg #pet #microscopy #nirs
In this blog, we talk about our own in-house experiment, in which we tested how feasible it is to combine #fNIRS with virtual reality. Curious about the results? Read the blog below, and find out!
#fnirs #nirs #vr #neuroscience #neuroimaging
What is near infrared spectroscopy, can I use it for my research, and how difficult is it to measure with #NIRS? — these are common questions for #neuroscientists who are not yet familiar with the technique.
Get acquainted with #fnirs 🧠 💪 at our theory of NIRS page: https://www.artinis.com/theory-of-nirs