For anything nontrivial, Certainty is not even an option let alone a requirement. It indulges the mind’s desire to anticipate and, when occasionally right, reinforces a false sense of control. A “Need for Certainty” can never be entirely fulfilled, it’s a feedback loop, a death spiral of endless rumination. Been there, done that.
Better exercise: Doubt all that can be doubted, see what if anything is left including oneself. Highly recommended.
Time for another #Introduction.
Hoping with practice I’ll feel less awkward.
American living near #Louisville Kentucky, home of #KFC. Grew up there when Dad was Colonel Sander’s head of #PublicRelations and #Franchising, Dad helped launch the first wave of Ky Fried Chicken stores in the UK and #Japan.
I’ve practiced #NonDual #Meditation for 40 years, heavily influenced by #SiddhaYoga, #Muktananda, #Nisargadatta, #SalkyKempton and #RupertSpira.
There’s a good chance I’m #ActuallyAutistic.
#introduction #louisville #kfc #publicrelations #franchising #japan #nondual #meditation #siddhayoga #muktananda #nisargadatta #salkykempton #rupertspira #actuallyautistic
Weisheit ist zu wissen: Ich bin nichts,
Liebe ist zu wissen: Ich bin alles,
und zwischen diesen beiden fließt mein Leben.
#achtsamkeit #achtsam #achtsamkeitstrainer #achtsamkeitslehrer
#achtsamkeitskurs #meditation #meditationskurs #meditationslehrer
#erlangen #vipassana #entspannung #stress #stressbewältigung #gewahrsein
#stresstraining #stressmanagement #leben #lebensstil #hollederer #klaushollederer #buddhismus #natur #ruhe #weisheit #liebe #nisargadatta
#achtsamkeit #achtsam #achtsamkeitstrainer #achtsamkeitslehrer #achtsamkeitskurs #meditation #meditationskurs #meditationslehrer #erlangen #vipassana #entspannung #stress #stressbewaltigung #gewahrsein #stresstraining #stressmanagement #leben #lebensstil #hollederer #klaushollederer #buddhismus #natur #Ruhe #weisheit #liebe #nisargadatta
Afternoon, all.
Happy Sunday!
"Your expectation of something unique and dramatic, of some wonderful explosion, is merely hindering and delaying your self-realisation."
-- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Grateful for the Nisargadatta bot. :)
#Nisarga #nisargadatta #advaita #advaitavedanta