#Nissan 's #privacy policy is beyond outrageous. They collect info on your "driver’s license number, national or state identification number, citizenship status, immigration status, race, national origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual activity, precise geolocation, health diagnosis data, and genetic information." How they may use it is completely open-ended. https://www.nissanusa.com/privacy.html
Someone who owns an #electric #car: Convince me it's not a disaster. Convince me that long range trips aren't an issue. Convince me it runs reasonably well. Convince me that maintenance is no worse an issue than for a gas engine vehicle.
If you drive a #Nissan Leaf, even better.
It has been so long since the popularization of #EV’s that the first pioneering pieces will massively need to replace the cells due to their wear. Normally (e.g. on buses) it is assumed that a cell with 80% of its rated capacity is already worn out and it is recommended to replace it. But it’s still a good energy storage for other applications!
#Nissan is reusing the #batteries from old #Leaf #electric vehicles to make portable power sources | #APNews #TDBNews
#ev #nissan #batteries #leaf #electric #apnews #tdbnews
Foto de estadísticas de mi #nissanleaf después de un viaje realizado por autovía durante el mes de agosto. Creo que el consumo fue realmente espectacular.
#nissanleaf #electricvehicle #cocheelectrico #nissan #leaf
Jess'aye ta Caisse : la Nissan Skyline GTT R34 maquillée en GT-R.
Bien sûr la vie sexuelle du conducteur comme de ses passagers est importante pour #Nissan mais pour #Kia l' appartenance à un #syndicat est tout aussi importante
Connected cars are a “privacy nightmare,” Mozilla Foundation says - Enlarge / Your car's maker can collect data on you from many different ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1965740 #connectedcarprivacy #nissanconnect #applecarplay #connectedcar #datasecurity #androidauto #dataprivacy #bluetooth #hyundai #mozilla #nissan #tesla #cars #kia
#kia #cars #tesla #nissan #mozilla #hyundai #bluetooth #dataprivacy #androidauto #datasecurity #connectedcar #applecarplay #nissanconnect #connectedcarprivacy
Ars Technica: Connected cars are a “privacy nightmare,” Mozilla Foundation says https://arstechnica.com/?p=1965740 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #connectedcarprivacy #nissanconnect #AppleCarPlay #connectedcar #datasecurity #androidauto #dataprivacy #bluetooth #hyundai #Mozilla #Nissan #Tesla #Cars #Kia
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #connectedcarprivacy #nissanconnect #applecarplay #connectedcar #datasecurity #androidauto #dataprivacy #Bluetooth #hyundai #mozilla #nissan #tesla #cars #Kia
"#Nissan makes you “promise to educate and inform all users and occupants of your Vehicle about the Services and System features and limitations, the terms of the Agreement, including terms concerning data collection and use and privacy, and the Nissan Privacy Policy.” OK, Nissan! We would love to meet the social butterfly who drafted this line."
#nissan #nissanz #santaclara #santaclaraconventioncenter #siliconvalleyautoshow #funko #funkopop #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscobay #sfba #sfbayarea #esseff #thecity #bayarea
#nissan #NissanZ #santaclara #santaclaraconventioncenter #siliconvalleyautoshow #Funko #FunkoPop #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscobay #sfba #sfbayarea #esseff #thecity #bayarea
Vice: Every New Car Is a 'Privacy Nightmare,' Mozilla Researchers Conclude https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/dy348q/every-new-car-is-a-privacy-nightmare-mozilla-researchers-conclude #mozillafoundation #Moveable #privacy #Nissan #cars
#mozillafoundation #moveable #privacy #nissan #cars
“Both #Nissan and #Kia are noted to allow the collection of information regarding a user’s sex life.”
I guess we need to take the same tact with #cars as TVs. Never connect it to the internet. Turn off the cell radios.
We desperately need data #privacy laws. I really don’t like the idea that we should have to give up remote start to protect our private information.
@oliver_schafeld actually when reviewing each manufacturer it seems they consider #Nissan to be the worst (despite fewer dings).
If You’ve Got a New Car, It’s a Data Privacy Nightmare
#ycombinator #Privacy #Right_to_privacy #Information_privacy #Business #Finance #Digital_rights #Personal_data #Human_rights #Identity_management #BMW #Nissan #BMW_NA #Internet_privacy #Technology #Internet #Consumer_privacy #Mercedes_Benz #TESLA #Brian_Weiss #Jen_Caltrider #Phil_DiIanni #Andrea_Berg #Gizmodo
#ycombinator #privacy #right_to_privacy #information_privacy #business #finance #digital_rights #personal_data #human_rights #identity_management #bmw #nissan #bmw_na #internet_privacy #technology #internet #consumer_privacy #mercedes_benz #tesla #brian_weiss #jen_caltrider #phil_diianni #andrea_berg #gizmodo
Auch wenn ich einen Führerschein besitze: Ein #Auto zu kaufen war für mich noch nie unattraktiver. Man gibt einen 5- bis gar 6-stelligen Betrag aus und wird dennoch vom Autohersteller vollkommen entmündigt. Will da nicht mal jemand klagen? Denkt außerdem dran: Habt keinen Sex in einem #Nissan!
#datenschutz #privacy #nissan #auto
Heb je een #Nissan Leaf, vergeet dat vijgenblad maar. De auto luistert mee naar seksuele activiteit. Het staat zelfs in hun privacy statement! #privacy
« #Nissan's #privacy policy is probably the most mind boggling creepy, scary, sad, messed up privacy policy we have ever read. They come right out and say they can collect and share your sexual activity, health diagnosis data, and genetic information and other sensitive personal information » #mozilla https://foundation.mozilla.org/fr/privacynotincluded/nissan/