Berlin mulls asking EU for derogation on fertilisers #fertilisers #Germany #manure #nitrate #nitratepollution
#fertilisers #germany #manure #nitrate #nitratepollution
THIS should be an election issue.
Which political parties will commit to stopping the dairy industry from polluting our drinking water?
Nitrate contamination levels in NZ drinking water are breaching human rights
#TooManyCows #nzpol #water #waterislife #nitrate #newzealand #nzpol #elections
#elections #newzealand #nitrate #waterislife #water #nzpol #TooManyCows
A German-Chinese research team has identified a natural fungus-bacteria consortium that metabolises #nitrate particularly efficiently and consistently. Such microbial consortia could have a major impact on future #biotechnology in #wastewater treatment >
#nitrate #biotechnology #wastewater
This is a HOG.5 scrubber® that is newly installed; it is one LED, and a small Green Grabber® algae attachment area. Since it is shown here on a large sump, is can only be used to grow fresh food for feeding; it is too small for filtering this system. Keeping the top slightly above the waterline makes it more quiet and keeps most of the spray inside. There should also be a black shade cloth over half the light until some color of growth develops.
#algaereactor #algaescrubber #ats #ballingmethod #biopellets #bulkreefsupply #canisterfilter #carbondosing #chaeto #chaetomorpha #chaetoreactor #coralvue #fleecefilter #fluconazole #freshwateraquarium #gfo #nitrate #phosphate #pelletreactor #plantedtank #premiumaquatics #proteinskimmer #reef2reef #reeftank #refugium #rollfilter #saltwatertank #tritonmethod #turfscrubber #zeovit
Nitrate levels increase in some #Nebraska wells, due to #drought. High levels of #nitrate have been linked to thyroid disease and cancer. About 85% of the population in Nebraska uses groundwater from wells as drinking #water.
#Nebraska #drought #nitrate #water #health
This RAIN2 (tm) waterfall scrubber is sitting on a pole mount in a saltwater sump. If you wanted to run the tank as a natural reef with lots of food particles in the water for the corals to eat, you could remove the roll filter, or the skimmer, or both.
#algaereactor #algaescrubber #ats #ballingmethod #biopellets #bulkreefsupply #canisterfilter #carbondosing #chaeto #chaetomorpha #chaetoreactor #coralvue #fleecefilter #fluconazole #freshwateraquarium #gfo #nitrate #phosphate #pelletreactor #plantedtank #premiumaquatics #proteinskimmer #reef2reef #reeftank #refugium #rollfilter #saltwatertank #tritonmethod #turfscrubber #zeovit
This HOG2 scrubber® is clogged with very dark hair algae mixed with black slime (the dog likes it!). It really needed to be brushed out in the sink long before now, so that the white Green Grabber® surfaces are visible so it can reflect more light back to the growth. The light should go to 24 hours. And cleaning should be every 3-5 days until nutrients come down and growth gets lighter in color.
#algaereactor #algaescrubber #ats #ballingmethod #biopellets #bulkreefsupply #canisterfilter #carbondosing #chaeto #chaetomorpha #chaetoreactor #coralvue #fleecefilter #fluconazole #freshwateraquarium #gfo #nitrate #phosphate #pelletreactor #plantedtank #premiumaquatics #proteinskimmer #reef2reef #reeftank #refugium #rollfilter #saltwatertank #tritonmethod #turfscrubber #zeovit
L’ajout de nitrite/nitrate dans le jambon et la charcuterie est source de cancer colorectal. Il faut les interdire totalement ! #nitrate #nitrite
Mes arguments pour mon objection, soutenue par @beuc et @foodwatchfr ⬇️
Mon objection #nitrite #nitrate sera votée mardi matin 27 juin en ENVi, par vote nominatif… @VTrillet_Lenoir @Frederiqueries @ncolin_oesterle @spietikainen @MAC_MEPs je compte sur votre soutien pour retirer du marché un additif alimentaire cancérigène avéré !
For sumps with little room, a larger HOG scrubber® like the HOG1.3 or larger here, fits well. It was just installed and still has the shade cloth over half the light.
#algaereactor #algaescrubber #ats #ballingmethod #biopellets #bulkreefsupply #canisterfilter #carbondosing #chaeto #chaetomorpha #chaetoreactor #coralvue #fleecefilter #fluconazole #freshwateraquarium #gfo #nitrate #phosphate #pelletreactor #plantedtank #premiumaquatics #proteinskimmer #reef2reef #reeftank #refugium #rollfilter #saltwatertank #tritonmethod #turfscrubber #zeovit
BFI's Film on Film festival screens also 91 year old #nitrate film print of Service for Ladies from 1932. It's really wild, most film prints screened even on #NitratePictureShow are younger!
#filmonfilm #nitratepictureshow #nitrate
Study Confirms That Common Fertilizer Compound Can Release #Uranium Into #Groundwater.
#uranium #groundwater #microbiome #genomics #bacteria #nitrate
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Study confirms #nitrate can release #uranium into groundwater @unlnews >@EnvSciTech
Eine stinkende Masse bedroht Floridas Strände: Die gigantische braune Algenmasse treibt im Golf von Mexiko, nähert sich der Küste. Grund: landwirtschaftlicher Dünger Stickstoff und Phosphor kommt über die Flüsse in Meer. #Nitrate #Phosphate #Algen #Arsen
#nitrate #phosphate #algen #arsen
Dietary nitrate as found in beetroot juice can significantly increase the muscle force while exercising, a new study finds. It is assumed that the nitrate serves as a source of nitric oxide. See #muscle #nitrate
This DROP1.4 scrubber® has just been brushed clean in the sink. Looks like the black shade screen has been used, but it should not be, because the dark growth means it needs more light, not less.
#zeovit #vibrant #turfscrubber #tritonmethod #saltwatertank #rollfilter #refugium #reeftank #reefcentral #reef2reef #proteinskimmer #plantedtank #pelletreactor #phosphate #nitrate #gfo #freshwateraquarium #fluconazole #fleecefilter #filtration #chaetoreactor #chaetomorpha #chaeto #carbondosing #canisterfilter #biopellets #ballingmethod #ats #algaescrubber #algaereactor
I am a licensed #projectionist, it was one of my odd jobs as a student in the 90s, the longer lasting of them all. The syllabus of the exam had been written 40 yrs earlier and contained references to #nitrate safety. I have never touched an arc lamp, but I had to show I was vaguely aware of its operation, among other things. Same for the sand bucket!
Fast forward to 2023, and #cinemas have started to advertise projections of #films ON FILM, like it was some kind of novelty. "On #35mm !!!". Heck, the film may even break live, or have scratches and splices! I don't know if I feel cool and trendy (_man, I was there_ 😎) or a piece of antique 😂
#projectionist #nitrate #cinemas #films #35mm #cinemastodon #analog
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Originally posted by /
Rust-coated irrigation pipes hint at lack of #nitrate in #groundwater @unlnews
Bund fördert tierische Produkte stärker als pflanzliche.
Ein Missverhältnis bei den #Subventionen!
#Nitrate #Pestizide☠️
#Biodiversität nimmt drastisch ab (auch bei uns in der Schweiz🇨🇭)‼️😬
#30by30 (wird uns allen in Zukunft viele Kosten verursachen)
#subventionen #nitrate #pestizide #biodiversitat #30by30
Incendie mortel à Vincennes : histoire d’un cinéphile et d’une passion inflammable
#movies #heritage #nitrate #cinema #filmflamme
#movies #heritage #nitrate #cinema #filmflamme