LIVE 3/12/23 2:00 PM ET #SiliconValleyBank's Worldwide Fallout; #DutchFarmers Drive Tractors to #TheHague #SVB had branches in #Canada #UK #China #Denmark #Germany #India #Israel & #Sweden- the scenes coming out of #California are just the beginning. The bank's UK subsidiary will be put into insolvency from Sunday evening. UK government working on plan to prevent tech firms from running out of cash.
#Farmers drove #tractors toward The Hague in defiance of a ban on these heavy vehicles imposed ahead of a protest against the government’s plan to reduce #nitrateemissions, #Paris radicals set fires & clash with cops protesting #Macron’s retirement age increase. Much more on this week's #WorldNews Watch!!!👇👇👇
#worldnews #macron #paris #nitrateemissions #tractors #farmers #California #sweden #israel #india #germany #denmark #China #uk #canada #SVB #TheHague #DutchFarmers #SiliconValleyBank