Thousands of #schools serving meals that could contain #cancer-causing chemicals
#Education authorities across #England and #Wales shown to use meat that has been treated with either #nitrites or #nitrates #ToryPoliciesInAction #ProfitBeforePeople #Food
#food #profitbeforepeople #torypoliciesinaction #nitrates #nitrites #wales #england #education #cancer #schools
la bonne nouvelle du jour :
le #Tribunal Administratif de Rennes enjoint le Préfet de Région de compléter l'arrêté du 21/11/2021 renforçant le 6e programme de lutte contre les #nitrates agricoles, sur les baies #alguesvertes
constatant les insuffisances persistantes du dispositif, le juge enjoint de nouveau au Préfet de prendre de vraies mesures contraignantes et efficaces, afin de prévenir les marées vertes
#pollution #agriculture #État #BZH
#tribunal #nitrates #alguesvertes #pollution #agriculture #etat #bzh
#NHS hospitals in #England serve meat with chemicals feared to cause #cancer
Campaigners call for ban of #nitrates and #nitrites in food production with 61 trusts across country affected #NHSEngland #ToryPoliciesInAction
#torypoliciesinaction #NHSEngland #nitrites #nitrates #cancer #england #nhs
RT @CETAQUA: The European #LIFENirvana project is coming to an end and we had the opportunity to present the latest developments of its innovative technology, which reduces the concentration of #nitrates in #aquifers in a #sustainable way. ♻️
Want to know more? 👉
#LIFENirvana #nitrates #aquifers #sustainable
Questioning, uncertain
Good or bad, health impact?
Research inconclusive
#nitrates #healthimpact #research #uncertainty #cinquain #poetry
#nitrates #healthimpact #research #uncertainty #cinquain #poetry
On this #day 110 years ago; 23rd May 1913; the #British built three mast iron #sailing #barque, the SV #Cromdale, ran aground off the #Lizard Point (the most southerly point of British mainland) in thick #fog. The #ship was on a #voyage from #Taltal, #Chile to #Fowey, #Cornwall with a cargo of #nitrates. There were no casualties but within a week the #ship had been broken up completely by the sea.
#day #british #sailing #barque #cromdale #lizard #fog #ship #Voyage #taltal #chile #fowey #Cornwall #nitrates #shipwreck #history #OnThisDay #england #lizardpoint
#Nitrates : une politique nationale toujours aussi faible
“Water quality
The third way beavers affect their #watersheds is by changing #water quality. Beaver dams change the water quality both upstream and downstream:
upstream, the water slows and pools, so that more heat from the sun can be stored. Warm, slow-moving water speeds the decomposition of organic material and the growth of microorganisms in the water. This causes the water in the beaver #pond to contain more #nitrates and more dissolved organic carbon. Dissolved organic carbons are sugars, proteins, and other large molecules
downstream, the water contains more methylmercury, dissolved organic carbon, and ammonium
How much the water quality is changed both upstream and downstream of a #beaver dam varies throughout the seasons. This is for example because more decomposed organic material and solids can be washed over the dam in seasons with high water levels.”
#watersheds #water #pond #nitrates #beaver
PrimeZEN Black 6000 Male Enhancement Capsules Have Hidden Drugs:
This over-the-counter product is contaminated with sildenafil, branded as Viagra, and tadalafil, branded as Cialis. #primezen #maleenhancement #sildenafil #tadaladfil #nitrates #hypotension #recall
#primezen #maleenhancement #sildenafil #tadaladfil #nitrates #hypotension #recall
Attention, interro surprise !
Qui a écrit ça et en quelle année ?
"les résultats décevants constatés sur les nitrates et les produits phytosanitaires trouvent en grande partie leur origine dans une insuffisante volonté de l’Etat de remettre en cause des pratiques agricoles durablement marquées par l’encouragement au productivisme et le choix d’une agriculture intensive"
#pollution #nitrates #rivieres #rivierescomtoises
Animals Farmed: "More than a million people in #Spain are drinking water contaminated by #nitrates, according to a report by the NGO Ecologistas en Acción, which blames the contamination on intensive #livestock farms and the use of slurry waste from these farms, as well as fertilisers in irrigated agriculture.
INFOGRAPHIE | Voici l'histoire des #nitrates en #Bretagne
↪️ En 50 ans, la concentration a fortement grimpé, faiblement diminué et stagne depuis une dizaine d'années
↪️ Toujours d'actualité, toujours un danger
#StopMareesVertes #bretagne #nitrates
En français, un article de La Croix qui évoque cette étude :
#Agriculture : réduire les #engrais azotés pourrait aussi être bénéfique pour les rendements
Une étude publiée dans la revue scientifique Nature prône la réduction massive de l’usage des engrais azotés. Ses retombées seraient bénéfiques pour l’environnement, la santé et les rendements agricoles.
#Azote #Nitrates
#agriculture #engrais #azote #nitrates
#actusanté #toujoursactuelle #empoisonnement #mort
N°11 - le mais OGM c'est bon pour la sante
#EauSecours ! – Épisode 5 – #Nitrates. #Phosphates. #Pesticides. #Herbicides et autres trucs en « cide » … De l’eau … mais de quelle qualité ?
Chanson que vous retrouverez dans cet épisode de #polemixetlavoixoff
Podcast :
#actusante #toujoursactuelle #empoisonnement #mort #EauSecours #nitrates #phosphates #pesticides #herbicides #polemixetlavoixoff
#actusanté #toujoursactuelle #mort
N°11 - le mais OGM c'est bon pour la sante
#EauSecours ! – Épisode 5 – #Nitrates. #Phosphates. #Pesticides. #Herbicides et autres trucs en « cide » … De l’eau … mais de quelle qualité ?
Chanson que vous retrouverez dans cet épisode de #polemixetlavoixoff
Podcast :
#actusante #toujoursactuelle #mort #EauSecours #nitrates #phosphates #pesticides #herbicides #polemixetlavoixoff
#actusanté #toujoursactuelle #mort
N°11 - le mais OGM c'est bon pour la sante
#EauSecours ! – Épisode 5 – #Nitrates. #Phosphates. #Pesticides. #Herbicides et autres trucs en « cide » … De l’eau … mais de quelle qualité ?
Chanson que vous retrouverez dans cet épisode de #polemixetlavoixoff
Podcast :
#actusante #toujoursactuelle #mort #EauSecours #nitrates #phosphates #pesticides #herbicides #polemixetlavoixoff
Natural #nitrates from vegetables are processed with your saliva and specific #bacteria while chewing. They are then broken down into nitrite and swallowed and absorbed through the intestines. Finally, nitrite transforms into nitric oxide via enzymes. Nitric oxide is the messenger to your blood vessels to let them know whether they should dilate (widen) or constrict. #oralsystemic #oralhealth #dentistry
#nitrates #bacteria #oralsystemic #OralHealth #dentistry
You may have heard of #nitrates in processed foods like ham or bacon, but these types of nitrates are added instead of naturally occurring and can be harmful instead of helpful.
Helpful nitrates are naturally found in soil and enter into vegetables during growth and development. #oralhealth #oralsystemic
#nitrates #OralHealth #oralsystemic
Our oral #bacteria convert #nitrates (from food consumption) to nitrites, which transform into nitric oxide in the blood vessels.
Adequate blood flow helps to prevent blood clots, high blood pressure, heart attacks and cardiovascular disease (the leading cause of death globally). #prevention #dentistry #oralhealth
#bacteria #nitrates #prevention #dentistry #OralHealth