I really like nitro cold brew. But dang it’s getting to be an expensive habit. Might need to turn to cocaine to save money. 😂
#nitro #nitrocoldbrew #coldbrew #coffee #theroastarieKC (this is a joke I’m super anti-drug)
#nitro #nitrocoldbrew #coldbrew #coffee #theroastariekc
Never knew this was a thing but glad I discovered it. :)
#coffee #beer #nitrocoldbrew #guinness
Recently at Dutch Bros I spotted them pouring my #NitroColdBrew from two cans into my one plastic cup. Literally paid them a premium to pour cans and create more waste. I hope at least the cans get recycled. I need to cut the middleman out. Ugh! #PartOfTheProblem
#nitrocoldbrew #partoftheproblem