When I was experimenting with my nixie tube display board (for my clock) I noticed that the more current the nixie tubes would draw, the less voltage there would be across them...
If I ignited the tubes with 190V they would draw 2.5 mA each and there would be 130V across the tubes (the rest was across the dropping resistors).
But if I ignited the tubes with 170V they would only draw 1.5mA and there was 140V across the tubes.
This #phenomenon is called negative resistance.
Turning Soviet Electronics into a Nixie Tube Clock - Sometimes you find something that looks really cool but doesn’t work, but that’s a... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/27/turning-soviet-electronics-into-a-nixie-tube-clock/ #clockhacks #teardown #vintage #soviet #clock #nixie #retro
#retro #nixie #clock #soviet #vintage #teardown #clockhacks
New stock of boost converters for #Nixie tubes, that convert 5-12V to 150-170V DC 👍
These Fake Nixie Tubes Have a Bootup Screen - [IMSAI Guy] bought a fake Nixie clock, and luckily for all of us has filmed a very... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/15/these-fake-nixie-tubes-have-a-bootup-screen/ #clockhacks #fakenixie #bootup #parts #clock #nixie #oled
#oled #nixie #clock #parts #bootup #fakenixie #clockhacks
Notice something strange about the 2 and 5?
In Soviet #nixie tubes, to cut costs, the 2 and 5 are the same element, simply inverted.
Driving an IN-13 #Nixie tube with PWM.
Resistor and capacitor to compensate for the absence of a true analog output, and an MJE340 to drive the high voltage.
The new pupper Nixie https://goatee.net/photo/gallery/2023/06/21-2015-nixie.jpg #photo #nixie
I forgot how flexible young #dogs are https://goatee.net/photo/gallery/2023/06/19-0807-nixie.jpg #photo #nixie
I forget how flexible young #dogs are https://goatee.net/photo/gallery/2023/06/19-0807-nixie.jpg #photo #nixie
I forget how flexible young https://goatee.net/photo/gallery/2023/06/19-0807-nixie.jpg #photo #nixie
A macro photo of the number "4" from a Nixie tube. (c) 2023 Chuck Miller, all rights reserved. #photography #macro #macrophotography #nixie
#nixie #macrophotography #macro #Photography
Pov: Your favorite things to print are for led projects.
#maker #3dprinting #bambulabx1c #nixie #clock
I've just been reminded that this exists:
So (obviously) I've now also remembered that somewhere in the workshop is a box full of neons that I bought a decade ago with the vague intention of building my own.
If you fail at getting around to a project for long enough, the idea will eventually resurface I guess!
#Electronics #neon #clock #nixie
Hunting through my pile of stuff that might come in useful one day, I've found a single #nixie tube with a BCD decade counter driver.
I wonder about making a single tube nixie clock.
Ich hab beim Aufräumen #nixie Röhren gefunden. 😍
Ob die noch funktionieren?!