If you're new to #NixOS and you're not a genius understanding #nixlang right away, expect tedious issues like https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/15covi1/homemanager_using_hostname_for_symlinking_command/ or https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/15coxtr/homemanager_using_hostname_for_hostspecific/ for the most basic modifications you might want to add yourself. 😔
What's missing in the #NixOS community (from my perspective so far): documentation for the step from one host (relatively well documented) to multiple hosts with different configurations.
There seems to be millions of possible ways to implement that and nothing seems to be documented.
With one test notebook and one VM, I'm already totally lost since this really strange #nixlang (+ #flakes) requires weird magic spells for the simple tasks of defining host-specific includes. 😔
I started using it while being 38 years at that time. It's worth it for me even if i do not grasp everything after one year.
#nix #nixos #homemanager #nixlang #flake
My current issue with #nix, #nixOS and #HomeManager: I think I see their point how they solve some issues I'm facing. I may want to be there but I don't want to invest the energy to actually go there.
Furthermore, there seems to be a chaotic-looking heap of concepts that are hard to initially understand and keep them apart.
If I'd be in my twenties, I may have started with that ecosystem, embracing its style and concepts. 😔
#nix #nixos #homemanager #nixlang #flake
Is it my Python-infested brain or do I really have a point in hating semi-colons of #nixlang?
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An unofficial, opinionated, gentle introduction to Nix