#NixNet https://nixnet.services/ seems pretty cool! Would love to run something like this myself.
📬Lesetipps: und es hat Zoom gemacht, sexy Zwiebeln, Credential Stuffing📬 https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps-und-es-hat-zoom-gemacht-sexy-zwiebeln-credential-stuffing/ #AlternativezuGoogle #CredentialStuffing #Sicherheitslücken #BigBlueButton #OpenSource #VikramIyer #Lesetipps #Podcast #Nixnet
#AlternativezuGoogle #sicherheitslücken #bigbluebutton #VikramIyer #lesetipps #podcast #nixnet
How to ethically improve a project that lives in MS #Github: 1) torsocks git clone <project URL> 2) fix bugs; make enhancements 3) start a new project on git.nixnet.xyz 4) push the improved project to the new #nixnet repo 5) if you can reach the GH devs, tell them where to find your improved code.
#NixNet is cool!
#obfuscated #sh #script!🤔🐚📜
set `head -1 $0|cut -c2-` social.nixnet.services/ amolith/ nix.html \< iframe \> embed script
$v "$7pre$9`cat $0`$7/pre$9$7$11 src=$4$10.js$9$7/$11$9">$6
while [ $f != 1 ]||[ $z -lt 3 ];do
q=`curl -sL $q`
b=$b\ `$v "$q"|grep $4@$5[0-9]|cut -d\" -f6`
q=`$v "$q"|grep ad-m|cut -d\" -f4`
f=`$v "$q"|wc -l`;q=`$v "$q"|tail -1`
z=$((z+1));done;for l in $b;do
$v $7$8 height=650 src=$l/$10$9$7/$8$9
done|uniq>>$6;xdg-open $6
#nixnet #obfuscated #sh #script
#nixnet (https://nixnet.services/), che fa parte e del webring #IndieWeb, mette a disposizione un servizio mumble https://docs.nixnet.services/Mumble
📬Nebulo – DNS over HTTPS/TLS: Unser Interview mit dem Entwickler📬 https://tarnkappe.info/nebulo-dns-over-https-tls-unser-interview-mit-dem-entwickler/ #DNSoverHTTPS/TLS #Interviews #DanielWolf #BlahDNS #Nebulo #Nixnet #App
#dnsoverhttps #interviews #DanielWolf #BlahDNS #nebulo #nixnet #app
📬Nebulo – DNS over HTTPS/TLS: Our Interview with the Developer📬 https://tarnkappe.info/nebulo-dns-over-https-tls-our-interview-with-the-developer/ #DNSoverHTTPS/TLS #Interviews #DanielWolf #English #BlahDNS #Nebulo #Nixnet #App
#dnsoverhttps #interviews #DanielWolf #BlahDNS #nebulo #nixnet #english #app