Yari jamono : Téere fent by Mamadu Jara Juuf; Mamadou Diarra Diouf; Séex Aliyu Ndaw; Cheik Aliou Ndao
#OSAD, #njàngat, #téeré, #metit
Fentaakon 8
Séy xare la by Ndey Daba Ñaan; Ndèye Daba Niane
#téeré, #OSAD, #njàngat, #ladab
"Téere bii, siiwalees na ko ci ndimbalal sàqu jàpple móoi mi nekk ci Njawriñu Caada ak Moomeelu Cossan bi ñu feg
- Njiiteefu Téere ak Duruus"
Wolof Language: The Wolof Phrasebook and Dictionary by Assane Diop
#Wolof, #Angale, #Àngale, #ولوفل, #phrasebook, #dictionary, #translationdictionary, #bilingualdictionary, #njàngat, #téeré, #làkk, #tekki
"This guide to Wolof language collects the most common Wolof phrases and expressions as well as an English-Wolof/Wolof-English dictionary. This phrasebook includes greetings, food items, directions, sightseeing and many other categories of expressions that will help anyone wanting to learn Wolof."
#Wolof #angale #ولوفل #phrasebook #dictionary #translationdictionary #bilingualdictionary #njangat #teere #lakk #tekki
Mitiƞ : Caaroy - Pikin - Caajaay - Kees Jànqeen. 1982 - 1983 - 1984 = Meeting de Pikine, Thiaroye, Thiadiaye, Thiès by Séex Anta Jóob; Cheikh Anta Diop; Soxna Aram Faal; Sokhna Arame Fall
#njàngat, #téeré, #politig, #SéexAntaJóob, #Rassemblementnationaldémocratique, #RND
"Jukki yi nu siiwal, ci mitiƞu RND yu Pikin, Caaroy, Caajaay ak Kees lañu tukkee ci atum 1982, 1983, 1984."
#njangat #teere #politig #seexantajoob #rassemblementnationaldemocratique #RND
Singali : Nettali by Séex Aliyu Ndaw; Cheik Aliou Ndao
#njàngat, #téeré, #baayo
"Singali téereb fent nettali la buy jéem a wone dund gu nàqari gi ab baayo nekke, rawatina su ndeyu jiitle ja wonewul as tuut ci yërmande.
Li am solo mooy jom, muñ, ak dogu dimbale nañu Singali ba mu màgg faj gàcce.
Waaye ba mu tekkee taxul muy feyyoonte. dafa tamu doon nit ku tabe, tey jéggale.
Ndax kat dafa bokk ci ñi gëm ne lépp a ngi ci loxol boroom bi."