Itea virginica, commonly known as Virginia Sweetspire, in my garden. Fun fact, the earliest member of the family Iteaceae is found in New Jersey, just like this bush, from my garden, is. #njnativeplants #nativeplants #gardening #flowers #woodlandgarden
#njnativeplants #nativeplants #gardening #flowers #woodlandgarden
Adiantum pedatum, Maidenhair fern in my New Jersey garden, May 22, 2022. #nativeplants #njnativeplants #ferniverse #ferns
#nativeplants #njnativeplants #ferniverse #ferns
Skunk cabbages in Cedar Grove, NJ. Although the deer in the background is pretty, our attraction to charismatic megafauna and resistance to herd management means that deer populations in New Jersey are 20X the historic, sustainable numbers that existed when indigenous peoples, wolves, and mountain lions lived here. Deer eat native plants, leaving behind mainly invasive plants. These #njnativeplants skunk cabbage with insanely high levels of oxcalic acid are an exception. #nativeplants #leica
#njnativeplants #nativeplants #leica
I just found out about the #ferndiverse and #ferns hashtags. Fabulous! Ferns have a fascinating life (especially their curious sex life) and are so beautiful. Here is Adiantum pedantum, Maidenhair fern, from my native plant garden in suburban New Jersey. Some other ferns creeping in. Delicate in appearance and name but a actually a pretty tough plant. #nativeplants #njnativeplants #njgardens
#ferndiverse #ferns #nativeplants #njnativeplants #njgardens