Effluents from NLC contaminate air, soil, water in villages around Neyveli: Report
The study on the environmental impacts of operating the NLC was conducted jointly by Poovulagin Nanbargal, an environmental group based in Chennai, and Manthan Adhyayan Kendra, a research institute that analyses and monitors water and energy issues.
#TamilNadu #neyveli #cuddalore #NLC #pollution #effluents #environment #agriculture #health #PoovulaginNanbargal #ManthanAdhyayanKendra #EnvironmentalImpact #india
#tamilnadu #neyveli #cuddalore #nlc #pollution #effluents #environment #agriculture #health #poovulaginnanbargal #manthanadhyayankendra #environmentalimpact #india
#Emergency Radio Failure flight #NLC is squawking #7600 (Radio Failure) at 8/17/2023, 1:27:31 AM
j'aime de + en + créer #diptyque et #triptyque. En voici un de 3 captations du même menhir avec un phénomène peu fréquent dans le ciel en #Bretagne #Finistère : #comète, #nlc nuage #noctulescent brillant dans la nuit et pilier solaire
#diptyque #triptyque #bretagne #finistere #comete #nlc #noctulescent
Noctilucent clouds appearing around local midnight in North Germany.
Fotowebcams bei foto-webcam.de.
#nlc #noctilucent
#LeuchtendeNachtwolken #NLC nach gestrigem Sonnenuntergang vom 11.7.2023. Leider gab es auch tiefere Bewölkung, die die Sicht deutlich beschränkt hat.
Eine Auswahl von Webcambildern mit Leuchtenden Nachtwolken aus Gahlkow bei Greifswald.
Zeitspanne: 11.07. 23:30 - 12.07. 00:50 Uhr
#noctilucentclouds #noctilucent #nlc
Heute Nacht hat sich der Blick Richtung Norden gelohnt #NoctilucentCloud #NLC #nlcnow waren wunderschön am Himmel zu bewundern.
#noctilucentcloud #nlc #NLCnow
#NoctilucentCloud in Norddeutschland #NLC #nlcnow
#noctilucentcloud #nlc #NLCnow
After last night’s debut, we also had an early morning NLC display, although not strong.
06.26.23, 3:50AM
#nlc #seattle #washington #pnw #wawx
The Noctilucent -nightshining - clouds are back in town!
06.25.23 about 10:40PM
#nlc #seattle #washington #wawx
Die diesjährige Saison der Leuchtenden Nachtwolken (NLC) in Deutschland scheint eröffnet zu sein. Ich habe es gestern nicht selbst gesehen, erste Bilder von anderen: https://forum.meteoros.de/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=61333.
Leuchtende Nachtwolken sind Eiskristallwolken in 81-85 km Höhe und damit deutlich (!) über allen anderen Wolken. Sie sind in den sommerlichen Nachtstunden sichtbar.
Another view of tonight's #NLC show, this time from the webcam https://www.foto-webcam.eu/webcam/flensburg/ in Flensburg in the far North of Germany, from 1:00 CEST i.e. some 7 minutes ago. Links to many more pictures in https://forum.meteoros.de/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=61333 and https://skyweek.wordpress.com/2023/06/01/allgemeines-live-blog-ab-dem-1-juni-2023/#Jun05
Another view of tonight's #NLC show, this time from the webcam https://www.foto-webcam.eu/webcam/flensburg/ in Flensburg in the far North of Germany, from 1:00 CEST i.e. some 7 minutes ago.
The #NLC season has really begun 'with a bang' - pictures from tonight from Latvia, Estonia and Sweden: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2264158917306686 and https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=6855389257823160 and https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2246036772250380
Very clear view of #NLC from the German Baltic coast now in the webcam https://foto-webcam-mv.de/webcam/gahlkow/# - refresh / go back & forth with the CEST time buttons in the upper right corner. Here is a crop of the 23:20 CEST view.
This looks like to be the night when the #NLC season of 2023 begins in Europe: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nlcaroundtheworld - arguably the best place for real-time reports - has several sightings from the past minutes.