Dynamic World, Near Real-Time Global 10 Metre Land Use Land Cover Mapping
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01307-4 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #landcover #processeddata #deeplearning #AI #landuse #remotesensing #global #timelag #automation #NRT #LULC #NLCD #satellite #Sentinel #Sentinel2 #DynamicWorld #NDVI #machinelearning #artificialintelligence
#gis #spatial #mapping #landcover #processeddata #deeplearning #AI #landuse #remotesensing #global #timelag #automation #NRT #lulc #nlcd #satellite #sentinel #sentinel2 #dynamicworld #ndvi #machinelearning #artificialintelligence
RT @USGS_DataSci
Using @GoogleColab & #geemap, we created a split-panel map for inspecting timeseries images of @USGSLandsat and #NLCD from 2001-2016 for Great Salt Lake
#Day14 | new tool | #30DayChartChallenge 📅 by Elmera Azadpour
View notebook here: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1L1CoT5LXSeW-CGJjomd_8fju_rIXoR3T?usp=sharing
#geemap #nlcd #day14 #30DayChartChallenge
U.S. Forest Service National Riparian Areas Base Map For The Conterminous United States In 2019
https://www.fs.usda.gov/rds/archive/catalog/RDS-2019-0030 <-- shared paper
https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/8cd69adaaaf541c78f8d867f0ec6b6ef <-- shared story map
#GIS #spatial #mapping #opendata #riparian #areas #CONUS #USA #basemaps #ecosystems #vegetation #soil #characteristics #environment #survey #spatialanalysis #monitoring #planning #management #policy #framework #geospatialdatasets #national #raster #floodheight #hydrology #water #NHD #WBD #NHDPlus #hydrologic #wetlands #3DEP #elevation #remotesensing #MRLC #landcover #NLCD #interagency #cooperation
#gis #spatial #mapping #opendata #riparian #areas #conus #USA #basemaps #ecosystems #vegetation #soil #characteristics #Environment #survey #spatialanalysis #monitoring #planning #management #policy #framework #geospatialdatasets #national #raster #floodheight #hydrology #water #nhd #wbd #nhdplus #hydrologic #wetlands #3dep #elevation #remotesensing #mrlc #landcover #nlcd #interagency #cooperation #usfs #usda #usgs #usfws
New LiDAR-Based Elevation Model Shows Greatest Increase In Global Coastal Exposure To Flooding To Be Caused By Early-Stage Sea-Level Rise
https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EF002880 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #satellite #LiDAR #icesat #icesat2 #global #SLR #sealevelrise #elevation #model #modeling #data #future #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #marine #hydrology #climatechange #lowland #landcover #NLCD #coastal #flooding #innundation #land #prediction #monitoring #emergencypreparedness #opendata
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #satellite #lidar #icesat #icesat2 #global #slr #sealevelrise #elevation #model #modeling #data #future #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #marine #hydrology #climatechange #lowland #landcover #nlcd #coastal #flooding #innundation #land #prediction #monitoring #emergencypreparedness #opendata