Our colleagues at LAP&P are hosting a target-mediated drug disposition #TMDD course using #nlmixr2 at #PAGE2023 in A Coruña, Spain!
This is your chance to see nlmixr2 put through its paces in real-world #pharmacometrics by a world-class consulting team.
#tmdd #nlmixr2 #page2023 #pharmacometrics
Want a single language for a few pharmcometric applications? How about giving #babelmixr2, an extension of #nlmixr2 a try?
I would like to mention a new release of #nlmixr2. I haven't posted about it but I would like to mention my favorite new features:
@wviechtb So it's a bit like an open-source R-based version of NONMEM or Monolix, if you're familiar with either. nlme() in #rstats was really developed for a different class of problem; #nlmixr2 is aimed squarely at fitting ODE-based models that describe dynamic systems over time or some other changing independent variable (such as population pharmacokinetics for instance). nlme() has actually been extended to tackle this as well (see nlmeODE)...
Modeling tools in our area are largely closed-source and massively expensive, and are a gigantic entry barrier for new people, especially in low and middle-income countries (and borderline unaffordable even for CROs like mine). #nlmixr2 is intended to be a solution to this problem. I also maintain the #pmxTools package, which provides a handy set of general #PMx functions.
I'm on fosstodon.org because I do a lot of #rstats development, most notably as a member of the #nlmixr2 development team. nlmixr2 is a set of packages - let's call it the #mixrverse - for R that provides an #OpenSource alternative for nonlinear mixed-effects (#NLME) model development, which are the core of most #Pharmacometrics workflows (amongst others).
#rstats #nlmixr2 #mixrverse #opensource #NLME #pharmacometrics
#introduction time! I’m Justin Wilkins, a #pharmacometrics consultant living in Germany. I work for a small CRO called Occams and I post occasionally about #healthscience, modeling and simulation, #rstats and the current wretched state of British politics. I’m a co-developer of the nonlinear mixed-effects model fitting package #nlmixr2 in R, as well as the #pmxTools package.
#introduction #pharmacometrics #healthscience #rstats #nlmixr2 #pmxTools