Tech Curmudgeon · @joyctilton
104 followers · 1616 posts · Server

@dhamlinmusic I wonder to whom I should write, since I don't know if this was all classified through the Library of Congress proper, or .


Last updated 1 year ago

Bill Seitz · @billseitz
332 followers · 9096 posts · Server

Was familiar with ? Would NLS have been a viable platform for ?

#staffordbeer #nls #cybersyn

Last updated 1 year ago

Devin Prater :blind: · @devinprater
1114 followers · 20246 posts · Server

*sigh* broke my NLS EReader today. I guess it was raining harder than I thought this morning, and water got inside the key mechanisms. So random buttons are pressed. So I thought I'd pull it out and let it dry. When I tried to put it back into the case, the case broke. So yeah that's great /s I can break anything, whether it be software or hardware.

#Braille #nls #ereader #blind

Last updated 1 year ago

dhamlinmusic · @dhamlinmusic
21 followers · 262 posts · Server

Just because this is an issue I have been running into, due to deciding to name their large language model the same as an existing and popular service for people, users, etc, the tag is now almost all content related to that, as such the and tags are much better choices to share and find content related to that service.

#google #blind #braille #bard #nls #NLSBard

Last updated 1 year ago

CJ · @cj
44 followers · 772 posts · Server

Looks like it's something wrong with my shortcut. I'll investigate this evening. Kind of curious though since I didn't change my shortcut.

#bard #nls

Last updated 1 year ago

CJ · @cj
44 followers · 770 posts · Server

Anyone else getting a "page not found" when trying to get to BARD? This started happening to me earlier this afternoon.

#bard #nls

Last updated 1 year ago

CJ · @cj
40 followers · 706 posts · Server

I got my NLS Zoomax Braille E-Reader on my wi-fi right before I went on vacation. I used it a lot while in the car, mostly as a braille display for my iPhone, but I found it was a great help in writing and editing emails, journal entries and the like. I also have seen my braille writing and reading proficiency improving a lot. I'm sure I'll start using it more to read braille books from BARD and articles from NFB Newsline. -Reader

#nls #zoomax #braille #e #bard #nfbnewsline

Last updated 1 year ago

Мої любі користувачі інстансу NL Social, до вас питання таке:

Бачу в стрічці багато ретрансляторів новин, дуже багато, це сильно засирає стрічку глобальну, як ви ставитесь до того, щоб я вручну, або методом опитування видаляв на нашому інстансі деякі ретранслятори? (для всіх користувачів, звичайно.)

Важливо зрозуміти що Мастодон чи Федіверс це не твітер. Тут не потрібно срати новинами, особливо всюди однаковими.
Особисто мені не потрібно бачити одну й ту ж саму новину двадцять тисяч разів, це ж не вірш, щоб завчити цю новину, погодьтеся?

Що думаєте щодо цього, які пропозиції?

Потім, по вашим ідеям зробимо опитування.

(В цілому, користувачі з інших інстансів, можете теж висловити свою думку, буде цікаво і її почути😉)

#nlsocial #nls

Last updated 1 year ago

Користувачі NL Social, таке питання:

Чи ставити додатковий фронтенд Mangane? (як було у нас на NL Akkoma,, чи залишити вже як є?

@alexwak @thx8te @litapoc @Skif @prool @admetan @your_aura @major_akylenko

#nlsocial #nls

Last updated 1 year ago

kharakternyk 🇺🇦 · @kharakternyk
32 followers · 30 posts · Server

Regarding and
The entire server has been disconnected from the Internet, the reason is being investigated.
I'll let you know when the server is back online.

#nlsocial #nls

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Im Woid🍷🎵 · @ben_im_woid
27 followers · 257 posts · Server

Ja, ich weiss, man kanns auch übertreiben…🤷🏻‍♂️

#nls #vln #DTM #nuerburgring #Norisring

Last updated 1 year ago

Dustin Marlowe · @dustinmarlowe
19 followers · 74 posts · Server

Nurburgring Endurance Series 6 Hour race this weekend on (best guess) Saturday at 5:00am US Central.


#nls #motorsports #Germany #nurburgring

Last updated 1 year ago

@lori I'm mostly just paraphrasing what the I recall being described as results from user group studies at SRI were on pointing devices.

The mouse wasn't the only thing they tried. Light pens predated the mouse (e.g. in Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad: )

My understanding is that Bill English/ARC/The Augment group at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) under Doug(las) Engelbart experimented with various pointing devices, before settling on a 3 button mouse.

Some iterations had fewer (perhaps even no? I don't recall) buttons, some had as many as five buttons I seem to recall?

They even purportedly experimented with a pointing that was driven by knee movements (presumably to allow the hands to be free for other things, though perhaps this may have also been useful for accessibility much in the way there are some alternative pointing devices based upon eye tracking or breathing in more recent decades)

In SRI's studies apparently 3 buttons was considered ideal by most users?

Admittedly, they experimented with a lot of other things when it came to user input too.

For example, instead of relying solely on a QWERTY keyboard layout, NLS used a "chorded" keyboard (image attached).

Similar to playing notes on piano keys, or stenographer keyboards, multiple keys could be held simultaneously, to produce different characters.

Some years ago, an app was made available for mobile touch screen devices, by Adam Kumpf from Teague Labs but that app did not keep up & isn't in app stores anymore. (remnant:

Others made an interface for the original hardware to an iPad (e.g: ).

Presumably due to the versatility of the chorded keyset (typically used by the left hand) excessive buttons on the mouse (typically used by the right hand) made it such that 3 buttons seemed sufficient?

@alcinnz @ajroach42

#nls #mouse #threebuttons #chordedkeyset #engelbart #sri #computerhistory #onlinesystem #dougengelbart #tiptap

Last updated 1 year ago

@ajroach42 NLS (oNLine System) was an outgrowth of Engelbart's Augment group at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) and also: not military.

I'm attaching an image from The Engelbart Hypothesis (2009) which shows the meditative full lotus/cross legged seating in use by some.

Bill English (also part of Engelbart's Augment group) not only invented the mouse, he basically pioneered the field of ergonomics. They partnered with Herman Miller to design a lot of their prototypes.

Trivia: (learned via John Daneen [sp?] at n CoLABoration 2010 Program for the Future held at the Computer History Museum with Engelbart et al present) SRI actually terminated Doug Engelbart after he gave the "Mother of all Demos" presentation in 1968.

Eventually, J.C.R. Licklider heard of the presentation & was so excited that someone had built a computer network (about which he had theorized, though "Lick" worked on SAGE [Semi-Automatic Ground Environment ]) that he contacted SRI to discuss providing them with funding (which is when NLS got subsumed into [D]ARPANet).

SRI, very quietly: hired Doug back.

There's unfortunately, a lot of confusion about a lot of this stuff as much of this technology was commercialized by companies which had no stake in creating it. e.g. Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) gets more or less all of it wrong, implying that Micro$oft and Apple stole such ideas from Xerox PARC.

PARC had a cross licensing agreement with SRI and SAIL.

Additionally, it is my understanding that Apple paid SRI licensing fees when they implemented their own version of the mouse (but they only used one button, whereas SRI/Bill English had already experimented with many variations and determined through user studies that three buttons had the fewest trade offs).


#nls #sri #engelbart #billenglish #mouse #chordedkeyset #arc #hermanmiller #ergonomics #nonmilitarycomputing #arpanet #licklider #douglasengelbart #dougengelbart #jcrlicklider #augmentinghumanintelligence #computerhistory

Last updated 1 year ago

Tech Curmudgeon · @joyctilton
89 followers · 815 posts · Server

@jackf723 Plus, I strongly believe, based on manuals I've read on both the and the -EReader, that the EReader is the Chameleon, but with different firmware, specific for

#chameleon #nls

Last updated 1 year ago

Tech Curmudgeon · @joyctilton
89 followers · 811 posts · Server

Interesting hidden menu in the : Try holding down the up volume and power button until it starts up. It will do that starting up sequence like usual, then go into recovery mode,. Then you see the cells come up as if it powered down. short press the power button, and it goes into startup again. When it starts up this time, you'll see the usual menue, but with a diagnosis test option added. Go in there and you'll see various tests, such as braille cell test, keyboard test, even a headset test. One person claimed that he was able to hear classical music when he ran the headset test. I didn't hear anything when I tried it. So, hmmm.

#Humanware #nls #ereader

Last updated 1 year ago

Tech Curmudgeon · @joyctilton
63 followers · 212 posts · Server

@fairyqueen91 Well, considering that if the eReader is from Humanware, it appears to be a , hardwarewise, I think we're getting a heck of a deal through , considering how sturdy this thing is, and how much it can do as an eReader with a Braille display terminal to boot. I'm glad that decided to work with , rather than, say, . Yes, considering that the keyboard is much mor comfortable than the Orbit reader 20, which does have a notetaker of sorts, it would be nice if it did have a way to take notes. But until then, I can just connect it to my iPhone and use Notes on there for taking notes, and still have relative comfort.

#chameleon #nls #Humanware #orbitresearch

Last updated 1 year ago

Rob · @rob
55 followers · 363 posts · Server

Been listening to the commentary of the first round at while out running all week and nearly done now. It means I've been avoiding several 'news' sites of a Motorsport nature I'd normally check daily. I miss you my friends, I've felt a bit bereft without your non stories of limited interest. I'll be back soon! (cos you don't tell me anything about the which is my next listen).

#radiolemans #wec #sebring #nls

Last updated 1 year ago

Teresa 👩🏼‍🦯 · @Pipistrelle
683 followers · 5295 posts · Server

I’ll ask this rather specific question here, in case there isn’t a mailing list. When Braille reflow is on, some paragraphs in some books are skipped. Also, even though I have formatting characters turned off, I still get what looks like a dots-3-4 or dots-7-5 character occasionally. This is modeled after the Humanware eReader display, but maybe there are common factors between the library loan version and the retail one.

#Braille #accessibility #nls #Humanware

Last updated 1 year ago

Teresa 👩🏼‍🦯 · @Pipistrelle
683 followers · 5294 posts · Server

Is there a list or forum for the NLS eReader?

#nls #accessibility #us

Last updated 1 year ago