I am so very much appreciating the breadth of scope and the nuanced critiques at #nlsai No simple utopia / dystopia binaries, polemics, and hyperbole. Rather, thoughtful explorations of a messy and fast moving space, and asking how to develop more balanced perspectives.
A thought: earlier speakers have emphasised the trusted role that libraries play in civic society - as opposed to governments and commercial entities. As libraries increasingly don’t own their technologies, what are the risks to trust as a societal concept? #nlsAI
Paul Gooding (Glasgow) gives a concrete example of the ways in which library technology has fallen behind. We are adopting commercial technologies more often. This can lead to transparency issues and black boxes. #nlsAI
“A Checklist to Publish Collections as Data in GLAM Institutions” https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2304.02603 #nlsAI
Impact of AI/ML on library activities outlined by Neil Fitzgerald from #AI4LAM #nlsAI @britishlibrary
Learning more about a new @thecarpentries “Intro to AI for GLAM” currently in beta #nlsAI https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-librarians-archivists/01-welcome/index.html
Asking questions about regulating #AI @mkhokhar wonders if it’s truly possible. Some short reflections on recent proposed legislation from @osi #nlsAI
Important implications for micro-credentials here. Lots of ways to get it so right and so wrong. #nlsAI
Important distinction drawn between education and skills - we need reform in the secondary system; more interdisciplinary / comprehensive degrees at universities; need to think about who in the workforce needs up-skilling. Who is left behind at all these stages? #nlsAI
Excellent human centred opening keynote from Sir Adrian Smith of Turing Institute. Opportunities and dangers are both significant, sustainability is a concern, skills and people are gap. Much depends on who is in the driving seat. #nlsAI
Excellent human centred opening keynote from Sir Adrian Smith of Turing Institute. Opportunities and dangers are both significant, sustainability is a concern, skills and people are gap. Much depends on who is in the driving seat. #nlsAI
Enjoying the warm welcome from Amina Shah and looking forward to spending the day thinking about “things that haven’t happened yet”. #NLSAI