đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź #NLWD23 #NationalLibraryWeek
Shoutout to all the academic and research library workers out there on National Library Workers Day! Thank you for all you do—today and every day—to make a powerful difference in people’s lives and communities. Libraries work because YOU do! #NLWD23 #NationalLibraryWeek
RT @ALALibrary
It's National Library Workers Day. Submit a star to celebrate the library worker in your life! https://ala-apa.org/nlwd/
RT @CopyrightOffice
Happy National Library Workers Day to our colleagues at @librarycongress! DYK the Office provides copyright deposits to the Library for its collections? In fiscal year 2022, the Office forwarded more than 573,000 works, worth a net value of $44.8 million, to the Library. #NLWD23