L’Army Air Corps va dire adieu à ses Bell 212. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/08/actu/larmy-air-corps-va-dire-adieu-a-ses-bell-212 — #royaumeuni #hélicoptère #bell212 #britisharmy #retraitduservice #armyaircorps #nmh
#royaumeuni #helicoptere #bell212 #britisharmy #retraitduservice #armyaircorps #nmh
I just finished a new story called “Strange Attractor at the End of Time”! Coming in at 3,800 words (roughly 16 pages), it'll be just perfect for the upcoming Neutral Milk Hotel -inspired anthology from Hungry Shadow Press! Unfortunately, submissions don't open until December, so I'll have to sit on this a while. (Let me know if you want to beta-read in the meantime.) This one is inspired by the NMH song “I Will Bury You in Time,” and I’m quite pleased with it.
#NeutralMilkHotel #nmh #music #indieMusic #lofi #lofiMusic #fiction #books #shortFiction #shortStory #shortStories #dreampunk #dreampunkFiction #weirdFiction #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #scienceFiction #speculativeFiction #litfic #literaryFiction
#neutralmilkhotel #nmh #music #indiemusic #lofi #lofimusic #fiction #books #shortfiction #shortstory #shortstories #dreampunk #dreampunkFiction #weirdfiction #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #sciencefiction #speculativefiction #litfic #literaryfiction
@KimAstronut I also have a hard time when the weather gets warmer. For me "too warm" means anything over about 73-74 degrees Fahrenheit (23 Celsius).
I hate having to keep the A/C set so low! But it's not just a matter of feeling uncomfortable or sweating. It's nausea, dizziness, and other pre-syncope symptoms. The symptoms come when I do very small tasks, like dishes or laundry. Midodrine / florinef help but are not a cure.
#MEcfs #Dysautonomia #POTS #NMH (neurally mediated hypotension)
#mecfs #Dysautonomia #pots #nmh
1. What a horrible thing to say!😠
2. When she suggests shifting resources to "reducing and treating" consequences, what treatments are there for Long Covid?!
Roughly half of Long Covid patients end up with ME/CFS. There are meds for orthostatic intolerance (#POTS, #NMH) that reduce symptoms for some folks but otherwise not much treatment ME/CFS.
Many patients have to go on long term disability and some end up mostly housebound (me! 🙋🏻♀️) or bedbound.
#mecfs #LongCovid #pots #nmh #Dysautonomia
@tomkindlon Those slides ("Orthostatic Intolerance: Diagnosis and Treatment") are excellent. Thanks!❤️
#mecfs #Dysautonomia #pots #nmh
RT @AirbusHeli@twitter.com
Learn more about the modern powerful #H175M 🚁: large versatile cabin, unrivalled pilot assistance with Helionix, long range. Designed to address the most demanding military missions worldwide.
#AirbusTMB #NewMediumHelicopter #NMH
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AirbusHeli/status/1602678791327092737
#h175m #airbustmb #newmediumhelicopter #nmh
RT @suda_51@twitter.com
This is where it all began...
Thanks so much to everyone for all the comments celebrating the No More Heroes 15th anniversary!
Loli Fu (Jess Bapiste VI) from No More Heroes 3. Colored and shaded.
I really love this game.
#loli #nomoreheroes #nmh