If you set the default 1H experiment to be 8 scans (I reset to 16 every time, 32 if I have very little material), why is the default 13C set to 1024?!?! If you can get good 1H resolution in 8 scans you might not even need 256 for the 13C.
#chemistry #chemiverse #nmrchat
Check out my new post on an interesting DIY earth's field NMR project. #NMR #NMRchat #spectroscopy
V. happy our latest paper looking at the potential for NMR active nuclei other than the proton in #metabolomics is out. Fantastic work all involved including third year project student Sophie Oakes. As a bonus it's #openaccess so everyone can read it.
See https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11306-023-02003-z
#metabolomics #openaccess #ozchem #nmrchat #science #chemistry #biochemistry
Postdoc fellow opportunity in the group of Sheena Radford: https://jobs.leeds.ac.uk/vacancy.aspx?ref=FBSAS1057 Advertised as focused on #NMR in context of #amyloid formation. Deadline in March 2023. (Check the link!) #nmrchat
2 years after I started this project I finally resolved the quaternary carbons in the 13C-NMR spectrum!
Apparently the answer was to run a UDEFT experiment/sequence (various manual changes to relaxation delay, acquisition time, number of transients, or picking a different substrate in the same series, etc did not work).
#chemistry #chemiverse #NMR #nmrchat
Nice new review article on "Ultrafast Magic Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy: Advances in Methodology and Applications" by Nishiyama, Hou, Su, & Ramamoorthy - ACS journal Chem. Rev: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00197 #nmrchat #ssNMR
RT @p_vanderwel
University of Groningen is looking to hire a #NMR spectroscopist for the solution NMR facility associated with the #chemistry focused @StratinghInst . https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S0009SXP&cat=obp (NB indicated deadline is incorrect - should be Jan 29 2023 I am told!). #nmrchat #chemjobs
#nmr #chemistry #nmrchat #chemjobs
The university of Groningen is looking to hire a #NMR spectroscopist for the solution NMR facility associated with the #chemistry focused Stratingh Institute. Ad is here: https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S0009SXP&cat=obp (NB I am not sure about the deadline, which is somehow shown as being yesterday. Expect an update!). #nmrchat @nmrchat
Now online in pre-proof status, at the journal #SSNMR : a new collaborative paper on #DNP ssNMR at 13C natural abundance: "Fast magic angle spinning for the characterization of milligram quantities of organic and biological solids at natural isotopic abundance by 13C–13C correlation DNP-enhanced #NMR" . With Gaël De Paëpe, Snorri Sigurdsson and Sabine Hediger. Includes some new data of unlabeled #polyQ #amyloid aggregates. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926204022000790 #nmrchat
#ssnmr #dnp #nmr #polyq #amyloid #nmrchat
"Aromatic ring flips in differently packed ubiquitin protein crystals from MAS #NMR and MD" by @schandalab - a nice new paper on probing #dynamics by ssNMR. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yjsbx.2022.100079 in the Journal of Structural Biology X - special issue on solid-state #NMR ( #ssNMR #NMRchat )
#nmr #dynamics #ssnmr #nmrchat
Greetings All! I'm a retired academic natural products chemist with extensive background in spectroscopy, chemometrics and software development in R. #rstats #nmrchat #chemometrics
#rstats #nmrchat #chemometrics
Greetings All! I'm a retired academic natural products chemist with extensive background in spectroscopy, chemometrics and software development in R. #rstats #nmrchat #chemometrics
#rstats #nmrchat #chemometrics
RT @chris_waudby@twitter.com
Discovering more classics from the depths of our NMR room… Ray Freeman’s copy of Ad’s thesis #nmrchat
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chris_waudby/status/1550457404453789697
RT @uOttawaNMR
Canadian maple syrup vs. the other stuff http://u-of-o-nmr-facility.blogspot.com/2016/06/nmr-and-food-chemistry-maple-syrup.html #NMR #nmrchat