What a political zoo. Wacky journalists, #conspiracy right nuts, ex far right nationalists and #Stalinists. Not exactly the greatest incentive to protests against the war in #Ukraine, eh?
#conspiracy #Stalinists #ukraine #no2nato #RedBrown
David Clews of "Unity News Network" really is like a Scottish version of Von Smallhausen from Allo Allo, the laughable end of the Gestapo.
George Galloway's #WorkersGB party want him in the fold of the "anti war movement" on #Ukraine. If it wasn't so risible it would be terrifying.
#workersgb #ukraine #RedBrown #no2nato #conspiracy #politics #uk
The ongoing red brown evolution of #WorkersGB and its front #No2Nato fascinates me. Under the hood and away from Galloway's rhetorical flourish, this "party" is basically the #CPGBML and a few hangers on. Surely, much as I can't abide their Stalinist worldview, the Brar clan who basically own that party can't be signing off on the cosying up to the Larouche organisation and the conspiracy right?
Or can they...?
So I'm interested to see what happens with the apparent alliance between some parties on the Marxist left (the Socialist Labour Party and the Workers GB party) and parts of the far right such as Unity News Network and the Schiller Institute. Are they going to end up forming some kind of over arching red brown party?
#SLP #WorkersGB #No2Nato #UNN #Socialist #farright #conspiracy
#slp #workersgb #no2nato #UNN #socialist #farright #conspiracy
Fascinated by how #No2Nato or the #WorkersGB party do it. I'd be lying if I said that ghastly left right convergence show they've just done didn't go well for them. They looked like the senior figures at the table. It's astounding really: Angela McArdle probably has more party members in Alaska than they have in the entire UK, but she just turned up, said the polite stuff, and acted as a junior guest to Galloway and Williamson.
RT @IrelandIww
Níl fáilte roimh Biden! Biden not welcome!
As politicians and bosses fawn over the American President, a raft of organisations gathered in the pouring rain to protest Imperialism and the warmonger Biden. @belfastiww @iww
#NoWarButClassWar #freepalestine #unblockcuba #no2nato
Níl fáilte roimh Biden! Biden not welcome!
As politicians and bosses fawn over the American President, a raft of organisations gathered in the pouring rain to protest Imperialism and the warmonger Biden
#NoWarButClassWar #freepalestine #unblockcuba #no2nato
RT @belfastiww
Níl fáilte roimh Biden! Biden not welcome!
As politicians and bosses fawn over the American President, a raft of organisations gathered in the pouring rain to protest Imperialism and the warmonger Biden
#NoWarButClassWar #freepalestine #unblockcuba #no2nato
I wonder why this #No2NATO anti-war protest is separated from the #StopTheWar march that's going on at the same time?
RT @No2NatoNo2War
Full house for first session #No2Nato
#NAFO the London #NO2NATO #prorussia location has been released!! #nafofellas you know what must be done! #Ukraine #slavaukraine
#NAFO #no2nato #prorussia #nafofellas #Ukraine #slavaukraine
RT @No2NatoNo2War
@ClareDalyMEP 🔥👏🔥👏We'll be in central London this Saturday 25 February discussing all of this and more #No2Nato #No2War #StopTheWar
#No2NATO Kremlin Cranks? https://thephilosophicalmuse.blog/2023/02/12/no2nato-kremlin-cranks/ via @mikecoulson48
RT @DerbyChrisW@twitter.com
This is a very sad day for democracy, free speech, and peace.
Yet as we hurtle towards WW3 and potential nuclear annihilation, warmongering liberals are celebrating after @ConwayHall@twitter.com cancelled a booking to hold a #NO2NATO rally on 25 Feb following a campaign of intimidation. https://twitter.com/ConwayHall/status/1617495741735530497
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DerbyChrisW/status/1617559806352711680
If anyone among my followers is aware of the new venue for this event, please let me know as soon as possible.
RT @No2NatoNo2War@twitter.com
New venue sorted. 👍🏻
We're committed to building a movement here & now in Britain to get us out of Nato.
#No2Nato needs your help to make it a success, and crucially to get the venue paid for. We need £3,000. Please give if you can ⬇️
🇷🇺 Remember when our state media showed this map somewhere during the first weeks of the invasion?
Stop believing Western MSM lies.
Start believing ours!
#No2Nato #No2NatoNo2War
RT @ADifferentNarr1@twitter.com
Wouldn't it be nice if they spent the extra 16 billion they're ploughing into the military to prop up a failing, corrupt and obsolete #NATO on reestablishing a proper #NHS instead? @No2NatoNo2War@twitter.com #No2Nato https://twitter.com/ADifferentNarr1/status/1611781650827943943
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ADifferentNarr1/status/1611840290830143488