“#no2x demostró que los mineros y las empresas no controlan bitcoin.
#uasf demostró que los desarrolladores no controlan bitcoin.
Los ordinals y las inscripciones demostraron que los maxis no controlan bitcoin.
Bitcoin ha demostrado ser descentralizado, ¡no hay segundo mejor!”
RT @BitcoinPierre
#no2x proved that miners and businesses don’t control bitcoin.
#uasf proved that developers don’t control bitcoin.
Ordinals and insc…
RT @BitcoinIsSaving
If Satoshi had not added a block size limit before leaving, it would’ve likely been impossible to add one later. #no2x won because it was the default status quo, not because it had rough consensus.
RT @BitcoinIsSaving
If Satoshi had not added a block size limit before leaving, it would’ve likely been impossible to add one later. #no2x won because it was the default status quo, not because it had rough consensus.
RT @francispouliot_
If you do not have a good understanding of #UASF and #No2X it's far more difficult to graps why the immutability of Bitcoin's monetary policy is absolute, and why Bitcoin's most desirable features are irreproducible (versus altcoins) and thus why bitcoins are scarce.
In 2017, miners attempted to assert control over the #Bitcoin protocol, and failed thanks to #BIP148 / #UASF.
Later, exchanges attempted to assert control over the protocol, and failed again (#NO2X).
In 2021, developers attempted to assert control over the protocol by reverting to BIP9, and reintroducing and enforcing the miner veto, after the community came to consensus on BIP8.
It's not entirely clear if that failed or succeeded. But it should receive the same reaction: complete resistance.
Wieder sehr gute Podcast-Folge. Diesmal zur Bedrohung von #Bitcoin durch den #Segwit2x Fork. "Honigdachs #19 - Die Segwit2X-Bedrohung - The Coinspondent"
https://coinspondent.de/2017/10/12/honigdachs-19-die-segwit2x-bedrohung/ #No2X https://social.tchncs.de/media/Yf81u7g3qECQmwpFEPE