A prescient quote from May of 2016. #noAIart https://instagr.am/p/CuImJbmvxjL/
Und das vorerst letzte…
#StarvingArtists #WallArt #ArtForSale #TheArtistTwosome #NoAi #NoAiArt #StayHuman #StayAnalog #RealityExperience #WhataWonderfulWorld #NSFW #Muse #CarlaGesikiewicz
#CarlaGesikiewicz #muse #nsfw #whatawonderfulworld #realityexperience #stayanalog #stayhuman #noAIart #noAI #TheArtistTwosome #artforsale #wallart #starvingartists
Guten Morgen.
Es ist Freitag.
Ich möchte die Reihe einiger unserer geliebten Werke weiterführen.
Es hängen so viele Erinnerungen an den Arbeiten.
Wir hoffen, dass sie auch Euch allen so gefallen, dass Ihr Lust bekommt, sie bei Euch aufzuhängen.
Schreibt mir, wenn Ihr welche erwerben wollt.
#StarvingArtists #WallArt #ArtForSale #TheArtistTwosome #NoAi #NoAiArt #StayHuman #StayAnalog #RealityExperience #WhataWonderfulWorld #NSFW #Muse #CarlaGesikiewicz
#CarlaGesikiewicz #muse #nsfw #whatawonderfulworld #realityexperience #stayanalog #stayhuman #noAIart #noAI #TheArtistTwosome #artforsale #wallart #starvingartists
We also developed this…
Fighting against the ai!
This is real, this is touchable!
This should touch you!
#StarvingArtists #WallArt #ArtForSale #TheArtistTwosome #NoAi #NoAiArt #StayHuman #StayAnalog #RealityExperience #WhataWonderfulWorld #NSFW #Muse #CarlaGesikiewicz
#CarlaGesikiewicz #muse #nsfw #whatawonderfulworld #realityexperience #stayanalog #stayhuman #noAIart #noAI #TheArtistTwosome #artforsale #wallart #starvingartists
We developed this this evening.
Fighting against the ai!
This is real, this is touchable!
This should touch you!
#StarvingArtists #WallArt #ArtForSale #TheArtistTwosome #NoAi #NoAiArt #StayHuman #StayAnalog #RealityExperience #WhataWonderfulWorld #NSFW #Muse #CarlaGesikiewicz
#CarlaGesikiewicz #muse #nsfw #whatawonderfulworld #realityexperience #stayanalog #stayhuman #noAIart #noAI #TheArtistTwosome #artforsale #wallart #starvingartists
I found a great Steampunk book project on Kickstarter. Then I read this:
“Most of the images in this project were created using AI. I believe that AI is currently revolutionizing the art world, and it has its own distinct characteristics. Producing a Steampunk art book with hundreds of pages in the traditional way would have been a daunting task, but with the help of AI, I was able to generate many beautiful graphics and bring to life a dynamic Steampunk world.”
Zitronenlimonade für Euch!
#unikat #availableart #noAIart #assemblage #collage #mixedmedia #art #leckerkunst
If anyone has any assets, services or anything for creators they would like included in Human Art For Humans, including links to commissioning info, or anything they would want to see included, please let me know!
I am aware there is a whole world of templates and where this bleeds into SRDs, which I will be adding in future updates.
#TTRPG #IndieTTRPG #NoAIArt #HumanMade #HumanArt #FantasyArt #ScifiArt #DnDArt #NotDnD #DnD
#ttrpg #indiettrpg #noAIart #humanmade #humanart #fantasyart #scifiart #dndart #notdnd #DnD
First Update for Human Art For Humans is here!
Lot more things added, detailed in the devlog, with a whole bunch more to go on.
I have removed the downloadable docs as they ended up pretty sketchy, will go out of date too quickly & due to switching to Atkinson Hyperlegible for more accessibility on the live document.
If you want access to artwork to fit any budget (or lack thereof) check it out https://ratgrrrl-games.itch.io/human-art-for-humans/
#ttrpg #indiettrpg #ttrpgart #ttrpgresource #noAIart
There was no sleeping tonight, so I put everything into the first iteration of Human Art For Humans, An Art Resource For Human, a curated library focussing on art and other elements #TTRPG creators need access to with the intention of showing folx what's available, affordable, and so much better than 'AI'-generated images.
Direct link to the doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R1ghPqJ1FraDgv_AIC1xQObFoJEV0bTngw3RjIsK-3E/edit?usp=sharing
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for inclusion/ imporvment
#ttrpg #indiettrpg #noAIart #ttrpgart
Glaze project to protect artists against style mimicry from AI.
“Everything is moving in the direction of what you might call snippet culture: a world in which all entertainment has a snack-sized version meant for idly consuming on the subway.”
“After all, the Spotify redesign is one more nail in the coffin of the album. More importantly, it’s another shift toward a world in which ‘content’ is dictated by algorithm.”
“(…) we cobble together experiences rather than engaging with things that have been deliberately, even thoughtfully, put together.”
@meanwell posted this excellent article from The Star: https://www.thestar.com/business/opinion/2023/03/11/spotifys-snippet-culture-redesign-just-another-algorithmic-brick-in-the-wall-of-joyful-discovery.html
The text also quotes a tweet by columnist Kyle Chayka, “Algorithmic feeds have pushed content creators to conform to the acceptable esthetic and cultural average; A.I. generation will just automatically produce that average from the start.” (https://twitter.com/chaykak/status/1620891495502057472)
I will now try to establish two new hashtags to comment on the ongoing threat that music and the arts are facing: #TheReignOfTheAlgorithm #ArtUnderDigitalFire
#Spotify #Streaming #Music #Album #Capitalism #NoAI #AIisNotArt #AINotArt #IAmNotARobot #AvoidAI #NoAIArt #NoMusicLM #NoStableDiffusion #NoDALLE #NoMidjourney #NoAutoTune #NoQuantisation #NoChatGPT
#thereignofthealgorithm #artunderdigitalfire #spotify #streaming #music #album #capitalism #noai #aiisnotart #ainotart #iamnotarobot #avoidai #noAIart #nomusiclm #nostablediffusion #nodalle #nomidjourney #noautotune #noquantisation #nochatgpt
Similar to what DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, or Midjourney do with visual art (simulating a creative process following a text prompt), MusicLM by Google has now set out to destroy music.
#NoAI #AIisNotArt #AINotArt #IAmNotARobot #AvoidAIArt #NoAIArt #NoMusicLM #NoStableDiffusion #NoDALLE #NoMidjourney #NoAutoTune #NoQuantisation #NoChatGPT
#noai #aiisnotart #ainotart #iamnotarobot #avoidaiart #noAIart #nomusiclm #nostablediffusion #nodalle #nomidjourney #noautotune #noquantisation #nochatgpt
Artists, I want to see you paint on real canvas, draw on real paper. Musicians, I want to hear you play real instruments and sing with your real voices. Writers, I want to read your true words.
#NoAI #AINotArt #IAmNotARobot #NoAIArt #NoStableDiffusion #NoDALLE #NoMidjourney #NoAutoTune #NoQuantisation #NoChatGPT
Background guitar photo by Brett Sayles via Pexels https://www.pexels.com/photo/photography-of-dreadnought-acoustic-guitar-1202130
#noai #ainotart #iamnotarobot #noAIart #nostablediffusion #nodalle #nomidjourney #noautotune #noquantisation #nochatgpt
I saw INPRNT recently announced their formal policy for AI art in their newsletter. Much appreciated, and glad to have my shop there. (BTW their prints are fantastic quality! Highly recommend for anyone looking for some beautiful art in many different styles and media, or to artists looking for a place to sell prints on demand.)
More info: https://help.inprnt.com/article/99-what-are-your-content-guidelines
https://www.inprnt.com/info/terms/ (under Code of Conduct)
I signed, you can do it too if you want to protect true art!
Io ho frimato, potete farlo anche voi se volete proteggere la vera arte!
A three kingdoms Rpg Kickstarter caught my eye because the setting is one of my favorites. The fine print (written on a picture so hard to even spot on mobile) says all art is Artificial Plagiarism.
Which is why it all looks like it was ripped out of Dynasty Warriors.
I couldn’t stop laughing when their innovative new Rpg mechanic was that all dice explode.
Couldn’t bother to read further.
#ttrpg #kickstarter #kicksnarker #noAIart #threekingdoms
In den letzten Wochen hat der @AtlantisVerlag auf mehrere Leseproben hingewiesen.
Mit von der Partie waren auch vier Titel, deren Gestaltung mir oblag:
Achim Hiltrop – GRANDE PARURE
Mehr Infos: https://timokuemmel.wordpress.com/
#sciencefiction #phantastik #horror #zeitreise #illustration #bücher #lesen #roboter #bookdesign #noai #noaiart #buch #bücherwurm
#bucherwurm #buch #noAIart #noAI #bookdesign #roboter #lesen #bucher #illustration #zeitreise #horror #Phantastik #sciencefiction