Mahmud Abbas är inte Palestinas president. Den ämbetsperioden har passerat sedan länge. #nodemocracy
The self-proclaimed "only" democracy in the ME - Israel - held Palestinian lawmaker Ahmad Atwan without charges or fair trial for 8 months in arbitrary detention.
#NoRuleOfLaw #NoDemocracy
Palestinian MP Ahmad Atwan, from occupied Jerusalem, walks free after serving 8 months of administrative detention in the Israeli occupation prison of 'Ofer'.
Tell us again…
…the #anecdote about your #philanthropy boosting #mentalHealth.
#bandaid #fauxPhilanthrophy #interventionistPolicy #robotPope #rupertMurdoch #debtPonzi #holesAndHouses #skyHighImmigration #kevinRudd #KRudd #KRuddCoup #antiDemocratic #noDemocracy #notOurDemocracy #freeJulianAssange #julianAssange #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #useBitcoin #jailTheWarCriminals #AfghanPapers #UBINow
#anecdote #philanthropy #mentalhealth #DontBlameItOnTheBailOuts #DontBlameItOnTheMedia #DontBlameItOnThePonzi #BlameItOnTheIndividual #bandaid #fauxPhilanthrophy #interventionistPolicy #robotPope #rupertmurdoch #debtPonzi #holesAndHouses #skyHighImmigration #KevinRudd #KRudd #KRuddCoup #AntiDemocratic #noDemocracy #notourdemocracy #FreeJulianAssange #julianassange #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins #usebitcoin #JailTheWarCriminals #AfghanPapers #UBINow
#LeftRight thinking is cancer, yes.
We have recently used the terms #LeftWhite and #BlackRight to express our disappointment with the 'us versus each other' clash.
The US just can't seem to get it
#leftWhiteParadigm #blackRightParadigm #falseChoice #baitAndSwitch #democracy #noDemocracy #rankedChoiceVoting #engineeringOfConsent #rigged #riggedPrimaries #bernieShamders #socialengineering #propaganda #sham
#LeftRight #LeftWhite #BlackRight #leftWhiteParadigm #blackRightParadigm #falseChoice #baitAndSwitch #democracy #noDemocracy #rankedchoicevoting #EngineeringOfConsent #rigged #riggedprimaries #bernieShamders #socialengineering #propaganda #sham