#NOAANCEI Chief of the Analysis and Synthesis Branch Russ Vose : NOAA ranked 2022 as 6th warmest.
Last 8 years are much warmer than rest of record. Current temps are 1.1degC warmer than late 19th century.
417ppm CO2 avg & other GHG for 2022 responsible
2nd warmest year in Europe since 1880, particularly Western Europe
Only big place not warmer tropical east pacific b/c last year was a ‘La Nina’ , or negative phase of ENSO.
#temperature #climatechange #Climate #noaancei
#NASA #NOAA Global #Temperature announcement
Putting 2022 and #climate #climatechange into context.
Starting soon (11am EST / NYC time; 12JAN23) #NASAGISS and #NOAANCEI presenting
#noaancei #nasagiss #climatechange #Climate #temperature #noaa #nasa