Kotaku: After 25 Years, Sigourney Weaver Says She’s Done With Alien https://kotaku.com/alien-sigourney-weaver-ellen-ripley-movie-reboot-sequel-1850383171 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #alienresurrection #sigourneyweaver #alien3acovenant #alienvspredator #creativeworks #neillblomkamp #harrisonford #fedealvarez #ellenripley #noahhawley #district9 #chappie #alien5 #aliens #alien #films #jones
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #alienresurrection #sigourneyweaver #alien3acovenant #alienvspredator #creativeworks #neillblomkamp #harrisonford #fedealvarez #ellenripley #noahhawley #district9 #chappie #alien5 #aliens #alien #films #jones
#Fargo s4e1 (2020) - 9/10
✅ One thing I love about this show, you always feel like you are having a story told to you. #NoahHawley is a master storyteller.
So much to digest in this first hour. So many new characters and a whole new set-up. Again.
Noah Hawley’s ‘ALIEN’ series is in active pre-production and is looking to begin filming this year. Hawley was responsible for 'LEGION' and has been the showrunner for 'FARGO' for most of its successful runs. This could be REALLY good for the fans. 🤔
This essay from Noah Hawley, the creator of the "FARGO" TV series, swoops in at the close of 2022 to immediately become one of my favorite essays I read this year.
"It's High Noon in America" is an exquisite (in form) and brutal (in content) dissection of the American myth of the Old West and the country's methodical return to the idea of rugged individualists and frontier justice.
#film #movies #television #tv #cinema #noahhawley
This essay from Noah Hawley, the creator of the "FARGO" TV series, swoops in at the close of 2022 to immediately become one of my favorite essays I read this year.
"It's High Noon in America" is an exquisite (in form) and brutal (in content) dissection of the American myth of the Old West and the country's methodical return to the idea of rugged individualists and frontier justice.
#film #movies #television #tv #cinema #noahhawley
Opinion: Perhaps a more fun read than it ought to be, and would contend it goes back beyond Nietzsche or the Old West; it's still chock full of critical cultural icons and ideas that reflect our de-evolution as a species back to the ultra-violent roots of tribal Sodom and the Antediluvian Period.
"American Culture Is Returning to the Old West"
https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/01/fargo-creator-american-culture-politics-wild-west/672237/ #NoahHawley #society #culture #violence #otherism #othering #tribalism @theatlantic
#noahhawley #society #culture #violence #otherism #Othering #tribalism
Ens despertem amb sorpreses! Aprovada la sèrie basada en l'univers d' #Alien que produirà #NoahHawley. S'ha desvetllat que la trama tindrà lloc al planeta Terra, i que #RidleyScott supervisarà alguns capítols, a més de dirigir-los. La seua emissió tindrà lloc a la plataforma digital de Fox, #FXnow.
#sèries #sèriesTV #Aliens
#alien #noahhawley #ridleyscott #FXnow #sèries #sèriesTV #aliens
El productor i guionista #NoahHawley, de sèries com #Bones, #Fargo, i altres, es troba en negociacions de produir una sèrie basada en l'univers #Alien.
No hi ha res confirmat, però possiblement es tracte d'una mena de reinici aliè a la saga cànon.
#AlienSeries #Aliens
#noahhawley #bones #fargo #alien #AlienSeries #aliens