> a 2013 piece by the remarkable, now 94-year-old Noam Chomsky looking at a future that — from the latest devastating news about #ClimateChange to the revival of #NuclearFears thanks to the war in #Ukraine — is all too of the moment. Of course, Chomsky’s vision of our world was always remarkably ahead of his time
#TomEnglehardt #TomDispatch #BestOfTomDispatch #Chomsky #NoamChomsky
#noamchomsky #chomsky #bestoftomdispatch #TomDispatch #tomenglehardt #ukraine #nuclearfears #climatechange
#noamChomsky <3 Hacker Ethics and Anarchism are very similar in many aspects.
Another great analysis on how #NoamChomsky is soft on #Russia.
#NoamChomsky is wrong about #Ukraine. I applaud his lifelong effort to bring awareness to the great imperial sins of the US, but when it comes to the #Muscovite invasion and #Putin he doesn’t know his asshole from a hole in the ground.
#noamchomsky #ukraine #muscovite #putin
[Noam Chomsky] Censorship, Free Speech & the Media - AlternativeRadio https://pca.st/fipn5km6
'States want to dominate the narrative with their version of events. There are two basic models. One follows Aldous Huxley, the other George Orwell. The latter is best known for 1984. Big Brother is brutal. He wields a big stick while Huxley uses a much softer carrot. Censorship is self-imposed because the journalist knows the boundaries of permissible thought. Essential assumptions are embedded unconsciously so they don’t even rise to the level of being challenged. The Huxley model is more subtle and relies on persuasion and getting people to focus on trivialities. Orwell is straight-out coercion. Sing the tune I’ve told you to or else. Recorded at First Parish Church at an event marking the 25th anniversary of South End Press.'
#noamchomsky #alternativeradio #davidbarsamian
Such a great episode @radioopensource@bird.makeup #NoamChomsky continues to be a moral light and inspiration 25 years after i first read him.
Interview with Noam Chomsky on the world situation today (& tomorrow). Almost an hour long, on Xitter, but worth every minute.
#NoamChomsky #Peace #War #World #GeoPolitics #Nuclear
#noamchomsky #peace #war #world #geopolitics #nuclear
I'm finally starting to read Bev Stohl's new memoir on her life, centering on her job as office manager for Noam Chomsky. :chomsky:
The book is so far—8% in—unusually funny, well-told, and nicely edited, especially for a book published by a small company. This book is clearly the labour of love, one that strikes both a humanistic and a loving tone.
CHOMSKY AND ME: A Memoir by BEV BOISSEAU STOHL | OR Books https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/chomsky-and-me/
#noamchomsky #bevstohl #memoir #reading #books
I dreamt of getting a carrier in Odyssey, maybe in 2-3 years if I keep this rate of development. Pondered a bit about how to name her, and Mikhail Bakunin came to mind. Looked him up and stumbeled once more over Noam Chomsky, who seems to have updated the concept of anarcho-syndicalism. Another field I would like to get into if I only had the energy. #NoamChomsky
Noam Chomsky course on disinformation. I don’t think so and you’ve got to be kidding.
#noamchomsky #criticalthinking
#NoamChomsky you’ve got to be kidding me. You’re the last one I want to hear from.
Please watch/listen to this: #noamchomsky Noam Chomsky & Fabian Scheidlerhttps://youtu.be/uXpPHvQudeU
#privatization #privatisation #capitalism #quote #noamchomsky
Quote is from his lecture: The State-Corporate Complex: A Threat to Freedom and Survival, given at the University of Toronto, April 7, 2011.
#privatization #privatisation #capitalism #quote #noamchomsky
Gizmodo: Are You Part Robot? https://gizmodo.com/ai-chatbot-are-you-part-robot-chatgpt-1850586263 #applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #creativecommons #mikhailbakhtin #noamchomsky #punyamishra #internetbot #colinmeloy #brendanh #chatbots #chatgpt #openai #connor
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #largelanguagemodels #creativecommons #mikhailbakhtin #noamchomsky #punyamishra #internetbot #colinmeloy #brendanh #chatbots #chatgpt #openai #connor
Sending wishes of prompt recovery to legend #NoamChomsky, who this evening had to cancel a talk at the #Marxism festival in London after falling seriously ill. And after so many inspiring talks today, I'd like to close with one of his #quotes, because of its seemingly absurd simplicity & at the same time, extreme difficulty to live up to it: "the significance of your life is something you create". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsQvdo2GEQ4
Ho appena finito di leggere "Perché l'Ucraina" di #NoamChomsky
Ok, non è un vero libro, è un collage di interviste... il classico libro fregatura (corpo del testo grande, impaginazione ariosa, per 140 pagine): se l'avessi comprato anziché averlo preso in prestito in biblioteca ora starei schiumando.
Mi ha ragionevolmente deluso.
Un libretto esile che spiega 2 cose:
1) la Russia sta commettendo un crimine di guerra
2) comunque è colpa degli Stati Uniti
Qualcuno ha voglia di darmi il suo parere?
#film #documentary
#ManufacturingConsent #NoamChomsky and the #Media (Documentary) 1080p
#film #documentary #manufacturingconsent #noamchomsky #media
#NoamChomsky on #KeirStarmer's attack on the #LabourLeft, the war on #unions and the future of #AI
#PoliticsJoe #noamchomsky #keirstarmer #labourleft #unions #ai #StarmerOut #UKshitshow
#NoamChomsky sobre #ChatGPT
en @rebelion
"Los proyectos de ingeniería pueden ser útiles, o perjudiciales. Ambas cuestiones se plantean en el caso de la ingeniería de la IA.
Con diferentes preocupaciones en mente, decenas de miles de investigadores de IA han pedido recientemente una moratoria en el desarrollo debido a los peligros potenciales que perciben."
#noamchomsky #chatgpt #rebelion #ia #ciencia
@the_moep @fearandloathingintheprovinz
Entschuldigen Sie die späte Antwort. Bei mir hat #Chomsky spätestens seit folgender Aussage verk#ckt (In den USA wird häufig von der unprovoked aggression gesprochen.): "Of course it was provoked, otherwise they wouldn't say all the time, that it was unprovoked.". Das würde im Umkehrschluss z.B. auch bedeuten, dieser Krieg sei völkerrechtskonform, denn alle Nase lang wird ja gesagt, er sei völkerrechtswidrig. Auch seine übrige Argumentation ist oft eine Mischung aus sesselpazifistisch umformulierter kremlpropaganda und viel whataboutism. Wie viele andere war Chomsky mal jemand mit Renomme und Format. Mittlerweile finde ich ihn nur noch peinlich.
Ausführlicher haben (schon im Mai '22) ein paar ukrainische Wissenschaftler und Intellektuelle formuliert:
#NoamChomsky #ukraine #krieg #russland #ruZZia #Sesselpazifismus #Fazifismus #putinspapagei
#putinspapagei #fazifismus #sesselpazifismus #ruZZia #russland #krieg #ukraine #noamchomsky #chomsky