I read some comments there where someone mentioned that we shouldn't be using the Amazon cloud to store sensitive data and I think that's the real point here, regardless of what the data is here this time. It's been, essentially, proven that Bezos has a politcal agenda (not to mention his conflict with the $600b CIA agreement) and we should be terribly nervous to trust them with anything...
Sounds like he's itching to be part (at least a small part) of the antifa... #nobigwhoops
Kaine's son, 7 others, charged in protest of pro-Trump event. https://tiny.iavian.net/h2ke
@IndyHavoc @chris I also posted a Wapo article earlier that the dude that was shoved said, basically, #nobigwhoops
...Oh, but obviously, the #nobigwhoops was wrapped in Wapo nonsense about how it's a #hugewhoops
How's this single payer thing supposed to work? I did the math and at 38.5 million people it's about 10390 bucks, per person. #nobigwhoops #deathandtaxes
The price tag on universal health care is in, and it’s bigger than California’s budget. https://tiny.iavian.net/gz2j