#RPGaDAY2023 Day 7 - Smartest RPG you've played: First contender is #Nobilis, which inspires play with concepts and metaphors. It is a beautiful #RPG where the PCs were humans - but now possess shards of a god, and represent and defend their Estates, their aspects of reality. Their foes the Excrucians seek to destroy the universe - attacking its Estates in the prosaic or the mythic world. And there's a lot more to it than that as well...
An #introduction... Living in the UK and posting here on #RPG / #TTRPG and maybe other game-related topics.
Played #RPGs since the 1980s, starting with red box D&D. Since enjoyed varieties of #GURPS, #AmberRPG, #MageTheAscension, #Nobilis, #ArsMagica, #FateRPG, #FiascoRPG, and more. Tastes now lean towards narrative and lightweight over simulation and complexity.
Current "to try one day" list includes Powered By The Apocalypse (#PbtA), Forged In The Dark (#FitD) and #GumshoeRPG. One day...
#introduction #rpg #ttrpg #rpgs #gurps #AmberRPG #magetheascension #nobilis #arsmagica #faterpg #FiascoRPG #pbta #fitd #gumshoerpg
Unused, #TTRPG idea:
A #Nobilis game centered around the Imperator Trust. Each PC is playing the Noble of a behavior that fosters trust.
Excrucians are trying to corrupt the domains by getting people to practice counterfeits of these behaviors, and believe that the counterfeit is the right behavior.
The game is set in a high stakes international diplomacy summit.
Examples: PCs have to repair the damage from a politician, who was “ just being honest”.
Another is naïvely trusting.
My characters always seem to either 1) adopt a multiplicity of identities and focus on stylish presentation, as with Ravenna in #VampireTheMasquerade or 2) help others to transform beyond the constraints placed on them, even if that makes them seem monstrous to others, as when I played The Power of Magpies in #Nobilis
The Fabulous Faye in #GothamUnion has ended up doing both
#VampireTheMasquerade #nobilis #gothamunion
#introduction? Introductions.
Labels such as "genderqueer autistic librarian". Others, too.
Been fascinated by #TTRPGs since I was a kid. But, realised around 2016/7 the world was going to get a whole lot bleaker, and if I wanted to find joy in my one life I was going to have to pursue it and seize it myself as I couldn't count on there being a later to enjoy.
My main games are #FateRPG and #Pathfinder but have also played some #Vampire and #Nobilis and there is so much more to explore
#introduction #ttrpgs #faterpg #pathfinder #vampire #nobilis
Last night's #Nobilis game is taking off into a promising direction. It was a slow start getting everyone up to speed on the quests and powers and world and... well you know.
Drawing from the headlines, I thought a fun plot hook would be two of their rival powers running for mayor. But now, the familia has constructed a perfect mayor automaton from wax and miracles, and they've already begun to discuss "Mayor Waxton's" future presidential run!
8) Favorite RPG for its art: Let me first say that I think art is really important to set the tone for a game. For me good art can elevate a mediocre game to greatness and make a good game average. I loved #Agone in its day, #EclipsePhase is gorgeous, #Nobilis 2nd ed. is a piece of art, #CastleFalkenstein was great, #TheOneRing hit the mark, but it has to be #Symbaroum. I loooove the artwork in this game. There is no contest.
#agone #eclipsephase #nobilis #CastleFalkenstein #theonering #symbaroum
@diceprophet my favourite game is Nobilis, and I'm cohosting a podcast for Changeling the Dreaming. Those are certainly both at least as off the beaten path as Delta Green
#nobilis #changelingthedreaming
#TheDarkIsRising was also an inspiration for high-concept game #Nobilis, where Light, Dark, Angels, and Devils act ruthlessly & co-operate reluctantly to save the world from enemies outside Creation. For while the novel is '...structured around a Manichean opposition of Light and Dark', it shows 'a conflict fought in the shadows, in which no one is clean... “This is a cold battle we are in,” Merriman tells Will, chillingly, “and we must sometimes do cold things.”' Happy holiday listening!
#inroduction 2/-
#horrorrpg #CallofCthulhu (currently absorbing 40th anniversary) #Bureau13, #BrindlewoodBay, #Dread, #iHunt, #CastingtheRunes, #Ecoterrorists, #TheYellowKing, #DeltaGreen , #CthulhuDark, #FateofCthulhu
Conspiracy/Urban Fantasy - #OvertheEdge, #UnknownArmies, #Nobilis/ #Chuubo, #ArsMagica, #amberdiceless, #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets, #Spire
Others - #Capers, #ICONS, #MSHRPG, #ORE, #Cyberpunk2020/ #CyberpunkRED , #Deadlands, #HauntedWest
Others just ask!
#inroduction #horrorrpg #callofcthulhu #bureau13 #BrindlewoodBay #dread #ihunt #CastingTheRunes #ecoterrorists #TheYellowKing #deltagreen #CthulhuDark #FateofCthulhu #overtheedge #UnknownArmies #nobilis #chuubo #arsmagica #amberdiceless #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets #Spire #capers #icons #mshrpg #ore #cyberpunk2020 #CyberpunkRED #deadlands #HauntedWest
Hello world! #introductions
I'm another person using Mastodon as an escape pod but it looks pretty cool and even if the birdsite lives I will probably stick around. I mostly lurk and follow people on various RPG/SFF topics with a bit of politics.
My current RPG faves are #exalted and the various Jenna Moran games, ie #Nobilis / Glitch / Chuubos Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine. Media-wise I am a lifelong Trekkie and read a lot. IRL I'm an adult / tech librarian.
Look forward to meeting folks!
#introductions #exalted #nobilis
@laidbackdm "Best" is tough, that's like asking which kid is my favorite.
- the one that's gotten the most play is Burning Wheel Gold
- the rarest/most rarefied prosewise is the Nobilis Great White Book
- most memories is the 1979 AD&D DM's Guide, with the name of the stoner who gave it to young me still inside the front cover ("My mom says I gotta get rid of this, you want it?")
- most read for fun is The Clay That Woke (tip o' the hat to author @PaulCzege)
@Steven Jenna Moran has a voice and style well suited to the stuff she creates. #Nobilis isn't everyone's cuppa, but it's written with a lot of deliberate authorial craft.
The late John M. Ford was another one who had a great, engaging voice that came through strongly. He was the author of Paranoia's Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues, among other things; his sidebar "Why People Support Rotten Empires" in GURPS Space is a great sample of his writing.
Following the trend.
Last 5 #ttrpg s I GMed
Five others in planning (new to me, or to return to)
Something #Glorantha
#ttrpg #deltagreen #Mausritter #OutoftheAshes #YellowKing #warhammerfantasyroleplay #theonering #glorantha #nobilis #UnknownArmies #BiteMarks