Ik doe vanavond naar het Boekenbal in elk geval m'n Franse schoenen aan.
@jalefkowit Ah! Musk riding roughshod on API’s it’s called the #DivineRightOfCapital! Elon you can take the bat and ball but then you’ll just be playing with yourself. We have gone from #NoblesseObligé to #NoblesseOublié
#noblesseoublie #noblesseoblige #divinerightofcapital
@rbreich a disaster for the middle + working class. The wealthy, of course, have done very, very well over same time, sharing less of their wealth with society due to continuous tax cuts while benefitting from same society + opportunity it provides (versus when we used to expect return to society from those who did exceedingly well). #noblesseoblige
D'Amato a capo della Regione Lazio non è un'opportunità, visto come è andata con la sanità svizzera della regione, è un obbligo #noblesseoblige
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ferrarailgrasso/status/1587022605554532354
#マイクロソフト の #ビルゲイツ 氏もそうだが、やはり欧米の #富裕層 は慈善意識が強いな。
#マークザッカーバーグ #世界長者番付 #BillGates #MarkZuckerberg #noblesseoblige #Billionaires
#マイクロソフト #ビルゲイツ #富裕層 #ノブレスオブリージュ #マークザッカーバーグ #世界長者番付 #billgates #markzuckerberg #noblesseoblige #billionaires