Italy impounds Banksy-financed refugee rescue ship: #RefugeesWelcome #Refugees #NobodyIsIllegal #Italy #FarRightGovernment #Banksy
#refugeeswelcome #refugees #nobodyisillegal #italy #farrightgovernment #banksy
Braverman on HO crackdown on refugees: "The PM and I are committed to doing whatever it takes."
These two descendants of very recent immigrants, holding the highest office in the land, are gleefully and wilfully slamming the door on all those following. This shames us all.
Thanks for the mention amaiaOo. #bhivechat
Azkenaldiko berriek indar gehiago ematen diote urtarrilak 26an Irunen ospatuko den manifestazioari!
Euskal Herria Harrera Herria
Dignidad, Derechos y Alternativas
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#nobodyisillegal #freeopenarms #freeaitamari #harreraherria #bhivechat