Bildbeschreibung: Ein kleines weißes Schaf setzt im Bocksprung über ein großes weißes, im Gras liegendes Schaf hinweg.
This seems like a good day to repeat that I will not boost any image that doesn't have a reasonable alt text.
I've seen far too many alt-less images lately. Some of them were really good. But if you want reach on this platform, make your stuff accessible.
#NoAltNoBoost #NoBoostWithoutAlt #accessibility #a11y #AccessForAll
#NoAltNoBoost #noboostwithoutalt #accessibility #a11y #AccessForAll
I've been clear about not boosting images without alt texts. But I think we need to educate people more about how an alt text should contain all of the text in an image (unless that's impossible for some reason).
I've seen too many alts that "summarize" the text - often leaving out important elements, sometimes to the point of uselessness.
Mastodon allows 1500 characters for an alt text. No need to be stingy!
#noboostwithoutalt #noboostwithoutcompletealt #accessibility #AccessForAll