One of the last containers heads to the staging area where it will be loaded onto a flatbed trailer and hauled out. At this point, I don't know where they're going. The former container lot near Whetstone, AZ is mostly empty.
#containerwall #goodfuckingriddance #noborderwall
Excellent news from the Arizona border. #SkyIslandAlliance #NoBorderWall
#noborderwall #skyislandalliance
Excellent news from the Arizona border. #SkyIslandAlliance #NoBorderWall
#noborderwall #skyislandalliance
North Americans should be able to travel to any country in North America freely.
You can't control natural human migration and travel, it's another one of man's attempts to control chaos and nature.
Las fronteras de Norte America deberian de ser abiertas para todos los Norte Americanos.
No puedes controlar la migracion y movimiento libre de los humanos, muros son un desperdico del dinero y una curita para una amputacion.
#noborders #noborderwall #SinFronteras
RT decision to file suit against the Ducey administration is welcome news and long overdue. We need immediate action to finally address the illegal and useless container wall on federal and Tribal lands.
Hiding Public Information:
Keeping Texans Uninformed
Is anyone surprised our state government hides public information from Texans?
I’m still awaiting the release of Texas’s maternal death rate for pregnant women that the Governor decided to hold back until next year.
Where are the background investigation reports of the Uvalde massacre, autopsy reports and, why were state legislators required to sign nondisclosures?
Again, “FREEDOM” from our elected officials such as the governor means “freedom from holding them accountable.” Our leaders managed to keep their seats, grow wealth for self / family / friends and enriched businesses that manage the kill (Winter-storm Uri), poison (ground water) are examples. The system they’ve managed to build; entraps Texans into cycles of generational working class that are poorly educated, self medicated, overworked and underserved by our public servants.
Just thoughts from my restless brain…
#NoBorderWall #Environment #Immigration #DemCast #DemCastTX #SouthTexas #NoHumanIsIllegal #TransparencyInGovernment
Here is the new report 400pps report
Subscribe to Building Blue
#noborderwall #environment #immigration #DemCast #DemCastTX #southtexas #NoHumanIsIllegal #transparencyingovernment
Yet again, USA:
State of Arizona is tearing up U.S. National Forest land and dumping 10 miles worth of derelict shipping containers on it for a 'border wall', violating all kinds of federal laws, openly. Travesty that Biden Admin is doing almost nothing about it
Borderlands bear compilation from some of my remote cameras in extreme southern Arizona.
This is my first Mastodon post!
BREAKING: A Texas judge has ordered We Build the Wall, Inc. to halt private construction of border wall. We're notifying of this unlawful construction threatening rivers, wetlands & human health. #NoBorderWall
Stop Trump's last-ditch effort to further fund the destructive, wasteful, & disastrous border wall. #NoBorderWall via #SierraClub #politics #StopDrUMPf #USofA
#noborderwall #sierraclub #politics #stopdrumpf #usofa
Stop Trump's last-ditch effort to further fund the destructive, wasteful, & disastrous border wall. #NoBorderWall #StopDrUMPf #politics #USofA
#noborderwall #stopdrumpf #politics #usofa