Swift · @swift
0 followers · 1 posts · Server sunny.garden
ICYMI - Urbanists🤖 · @ICYMI_urban
41 followers · 1 posts · Server urbanists.social

👨Going live with the bot now.
I will (skipping over minor algorithm details):
1). Read in the last 48 or so hours of toots from people I follow.
2). Boost the toot that has the highest favourite+boost count. Provided that the person doesn't have or in their profile, and I haven't recently boosted one of their toots.
3). Chill out for a while.

#nobots #noindex

Last updated 1 year ago

mnwvnr · @mnnwvn
52 followers · 298 posts · Server mastodon.ml

@frssoft а если я вот этот ваш тег поставлю в описание ? :blobcatupsidedown:


Last updated 1 year ago

Freedom is Unity ❤️ Respect · @freeschool
168 followers · 4291 posts · Server qoto.org

Freedom is also about undoing what has tricked us (put in place before we were born and somewhat enslaved or bound by). Learning regularly helps get your more understanding and rewards morality to get back some sense of meaning since much has been extracted out almost completely as part of pure-profit programmes or generally re-iterating power and control techniques.

The rest to read is just extra. If you hate detail probably this is good for you.

Learning our geniune individuality and respecting it is some of the most essential parts of life!!!!!

------------ EXTRA BITS BELOW ---------
Right now in 2023 I've taken a back seat to the talking to people or giving feedback to everyone, and so given up while not totally given up.

I think education together is a major way.
Some of us speed up and have to wait for others to catch up or not try over-try too hard also to keep the peace often covered up or under the surface.

Free School has been proven over my lifetime as not needing to wait or only believe in others first. DIY = Do It Yourself or at least start... and then the advice or questions come anyway... Start snd Finish fast and people can see better there is progress... often the only thing stopping people in starting anything.

You can interact and ask. We 2 can make best together as free as possible to reach somewhere in thought where alone we might not so quickly.

I mostly create / edit community education audio podcast / music / videos / transcript text etc for good people or other podcasts.

Am offline more than on but still get msgs and still reply here- might take longer than I mention below

I do your audio / film work too for free if it's for the good. I can do it offline which is good.

Our place in the world is helped by others.
We enable it for others and some forge ahead anyway.

If you're interested in life this helps! get in touch if you are as I like everything or to talk about it helps the world indirectly and directly!

he/him - A personal list of my interests:

(Made one / can help you build one / send PDF)
playing (have a real board and microphone? Let's play!)
(Self-improvement and awareness)
(Onion skins of realisation / discovery)
food (Greenhouse and outside)
/ / / /
Living / Natural Life
Engineering (like fixing computers but with willing people instead)
/ Making Lists (Point Extraction, Analysis & ReUse)
/ / (can offer advice)
people / (Learning Lessons)
/ Care / Consideration (towards unity in human family and the 'how?')
(Harmonising and balance)
(fascinating developments / potentials)
/ (want to answer my questions?!)
editing / moderating (group meetings / personal conversations)

All genuine interest. I'm also responsive, so whatever you're thinking I don't mind.


Freedom and Justice is gained by Learning Together... (actually learning to respect each other too)
Less money 🏦 :cc_nc: :💱 📈 📉 🤑 💳
AND MORE :red_heart: ✅ 🧠 🤔 🗯️ ❓

In short: Participation!... No other way around Justice and Freedom if you don't participate and this is what this profile is for.

No need star my toots, send a reply!
Boosting the toots is a real way in which stuff travels through Mastodon and can be tried (hoping for more participation and practice here). and

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Follow me & Get ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

→ Info-graphics / Memes / Pictures

→ Audio Topics & Conversations
My Wisdom / Culture / Business Analysis

+ I actually reply (yes some people don't even reply!)!
+ not over-emotional in replying (a real benefit / less side-effects) but stickler to important details
+ Directly said (things usually people don't say / can't say / over-polite but helps in REAL LEARNING)
+ More available (like audio chat later down the line)
+ DIY example → Ask... Self-made house?

More info → click 'Media' or 'Toots' or Direct Message


Words of wisdom (MY WORDS):

Everything is easier when you test it
Everything is easier when you know *how* to test it
Everything is clearer when you give it more time and respect.
Everything is easier when you know what it's for and what it means to others (both how to test / ask and how to respect)...

Everything is easier when you know how... yes so participation with me or others allows you to know things, then it's easier and clearer to make your decision(s).

Humans effect everything much more globally (now that money etc funnels things more than ever) and often it's a copy of people getting coralled into the same bad ways (the Gov template of catching it's fishes) - we need to know the bad / good and apply the right stuff daily so we don't get eaten alive.

I personally help whoever with almost anything mutual, it's your 'job' to enjoy what you like AND explore other things - I just ask and say what I like also.

I also edit other people's audio and video as basic cut and re-arrange them into different order for best bits or the wanted parts / highlights + name or transcribe them (audio to text).


I might ask why you want to follow me so be ready to say (0 engagement I don't understand the point of)

I'm here to make change, yours, mine, others.
What are you here for / Find out here / explore yourself...

#opensource #social #mastodon #audio #nobot #nobots #house #relationships #strategy #privacy #humanrights #banking #human #notes #mma #historical #communication #freesoftware #activitypub #capitalism #money #minimalist #martialarts #hero #natural #chess #growing #sports #love

Last updated 1 year ago

Is still a thing? I'm going to assume that no one respects that anymore


Last updated 1 year ago

Sadiel Cuentas · @sadielcuentas
125 followers · 153 posts · Server activism.openworlds.info

"For a strong democracy, we must ban troll farms. We need international legislation requiring an ID for every social media account. This ensures human voices, not bots. For a transparent and fair web. "


Last updated 1 year ago

· @casey
969 followers · 127186 posts · Server friend.camp

if a bot is going to scrap you without your consent, why would it respect

#noai #noarchive #nobots #nosearch #noindex

Last updated 1 year ago

Janet Rosen :toad: · @jrosen707
574 followers · 6218 posts · Server toad.social

IF you me

but your own profile has nothing, zero, zilch

AND you have not made a post to introduce yourself

chances are that not only won't I follow you back but I will probably block you.

#follow #nobots #whoareyou

Last updated 2 years ago

StroomAfwaarts · @StroomAfwaarts
213 followers · 17457 posts · Server todon.nl

I've seen a few quotetoots last week.
Since I really do not want to be quotetooted:
Is this something you can opt in to?
Or can you opt out?
Maybe with in your profile, like with ?

Also, now that it is a thing here, apparently: can we call it "quoot"?

#nobots #noquotetoot

Last updated 2 years ago

dʒãŋɡo · @django
674 followers · 2356 posts · Server social.coop

It’s not 2018 anymore, I’m not putting in my bio.

creators need to stop these invasive auto-follow antics

#fediblock #nobots #bot #NoBotsChallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Zubek · @rzubek
194 followers · 261 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

@monorail So this little project is trying to follow all the relevant web standards: robots.txt for site-wide robot exclusion (there are several servers that use that to exclude all robots), and then and for individuals.

Are there more that I should add? I'll add them.

Because otherwise it's hard to know - Mastodon software makes all profiles public by default.

#nobots #nobot

Last updated 2 years ago

in a car with a beautiful boy · @dreamball
256 followers · 4468 posts · Server m.cmx.im

好吧,必须简介里打上 才能不被你们这些机器人骚扰对吧?我要是不想打呢?这次是 下次是不是还要打 这种“你不说就是默认可以被骚扰”的态度居然真的有人可以这么理直气壮地说出来🙄
It’s not my responsibility to use the tag. Just stop harassing random people with your stupid bot🙄

#nobot #nobots #傻逼机器人不要过来 #傻逼bot自重 #bot作者们知道自己在骚扰吗

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Dalliance · @pre
584 followers · 4478 posts · Server boing.world

@gunchleoc Yep. Following people who ask is a banning offense.

Frankly robots should never follow unless asked, but if they don't even respect nobots that's the end for them.


Last updated 2 years ago

pretty cool how bots just ignore


Last updated 2 years ago

Matthew · @matthew
73 followers · 477 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk

Here we go again! The spam-follow-bots are busy again! I am blocking - might send message back?


Last updated 2 years ago

Maikel 🇪🇺 · @maikelthedev
507 followers · 516 posts · Server vmst.io

What part of in my profile did you NOT understand @prasinianasa ?


Last updated 2 years ago

Ru · @ru
533 followers · 3142 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@takesama Does your bot respect or tags in people's bios?

Your white-paper is silent on this. takesama.com/whitepapers/takes

#nobot #nobots #consent

Last updated 2 years ago

Kaede and the void :foxjump: · @kaede
125 followers · 5513 posts · Server md.ilyamikcoder.com

@pashazateevmastodonofficial попробуй добавить и в био или вообще закрыть аккаунт и подтверждать подписчиков вручную (как радикальная мера)

#nobot #nobots

Last updated 2 years ago

Ed Summers · @edsu
1489 followers · 5748 posts · Server social.coop

@kawaiipunk I know right? is taking on whole new dimensions for me.


Last updated 2 years ago

cydo · @cydo
6 followers · 12 posts · Server retroverse.social

The bots of course honor the "Opt-out of search engine indexing" setting in your profile. And , and tags in your bio.
They won't boost any toot from you then.

#nobot #nobots #noindex

Last updated 2 years ago