On 7 December, I will talk about organizational #performance systems that work - and don't suck. Join my #InfoHour on #RelativeTargets: the proven social technology that eradicates the trouble with planning/budgeting, targets, measures, reporting & more. For good.
Participation is free of charge! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/info-hour-relative-targets-a-work-the-system-approach-tickets-445321176627
#betacodex #workthesystem #red42 #okrs #performancemanagement #noplanning #nobudgeting #beyondbudgeting #reporting #measure #newwork #futureofleadership #orgdev #nookrs
#infohour #relativetargets #betacodex #performance #orgdev #nookrs #workthesystem #red42 #okrs #performancemanagement #noplanning #nobudgeting #beyondbudgeting #reporting #measure #newwork #futureofleadership
It's November now.
If your organization is doing annual planning & budgeting, currently, then one thing you know is that it is a command-and-control organization. It is also an organization that has not yet grasped that planning/budgeting cannot work and does not work, in complexity.
#nobudgeting #noplanning #complexity #organizeforcomplexity #betacodex #beyondbudgeting #newwork #futureofwork #leadership #decentralization #orgdev #transformation #workthesystem
#nobudgeting #noplanning #complexity #organizeforcomplexity #betacodex #beyondbudgeting #newwork #futureofwork #leadership #decentralization #orgdev #transformation #workthesystem