Vulture Theory, HAWD HITTA, and NoBueno debut ‘Synthetic Sands’ #2023_06_21 #dancing_astronaut #music #hawd_hitta #nobueno #vulture_theory
#2023_06_21 #dancing_astronaut #music #hawd_hitta #nobueno #vulture_theory
Jakk’d, HAWD HITTA, NoBueno, and $on-$hine electrify the live circuit with ‘Check This Out’ #2023_05_05 #dancing_astronaut #dancing_astronaut_staff #music #on_hine #hawd_hitta #jakkd #nobueno #searchprty_records
#2023_05_05 #dancing_astronaut #dancing_astronaut_staff #music #on_hine #hawd_hitta #jakkd #nobueno #searchprty_records
Yep, some of us are just NOT into being “shaken and not stirred” like one of 007’s martinis.🍸🤣 Not really digging #haptics on the whole except for when my iPhone 📱 needs to go into #DND mode. That’s the only time I want to use it because otherwise, it’s just too jarring with all that unexpected buzzing and jostling. #nobueno #overkill #hsp
#hsp #overkill #nobueno #DND #haptics
All the advertisers hating on Elno now for treating their brands so recklessly. #nobueno
Quand une sd corrompue de 4gb est affichée à 30.62 MiB vous feriez quoi pour tenter de la récupérer ?
Je ne sais pas si elle est en fat ou vfat mais un :
sudo fsck.msdos /dev/mmcblk0 donne
Logical sector size is zero.
C'est une sdhc donc plutôt fat de ce que j'ai lu.