I just changed instances, not because I wasn't perfectly happy. There were a few people there I had a bad taste in my mouth from. So, yes, I too will be hoofin it once my parents can't drive me. But I'll need to move into town first. So in starting over:
#nocar #dogs #animalrights
#nature #music #art
#painting with #acrylics
#humanity #endhate
#vegetarian #naturewalk
Dabble a bit in #rockcollecting
#nocar #dogs #animalrights #nature #music #art #painting #acrylics #Humanity #endhate #vegetarian #naturewalk #rockcollecting
Categorised under “I can’t believe I never heard of this guy before”, this is a beautiful article about the long gentle haul of restoring bush land on banks pennisula, and the guardian of the land.
#rewilding #otautahi #christchurch #bicycle #nocar #nocomputer
#rewilding #otautahi #christchurch #bicycle #nocar #nocomputer
With a kid to haul to Kita, a new apartment further from shopping, and #NoCar, it's time for a #CargoBike!
Bullitt and Muli seem to stand out as compact, non-electric "long-johns". Any thoughts on these or other options?
#nocar #cargobike #lastenrad #hamburg #verkehrswende
In a car-oriented world, pedestrians are asked to take a long detour around street crossings. Needless to say, there's barely any traffic on the main road, let alone the side road that's crossed by it.
A thought from an early Sunday train: electric cars are not a solution. They're just a different face of the same problem.
#PublicTransport is the solution.
Does anyone know any website that along with "N km around the specified location" has filters like "reachable via #PublicTransportation"? I mean, a 50 km distance along a train line is very different than 50 km distance to a place that's only reachable via car.
It's time for my big #PublicTransport coming out. I haven't taken a bus or a tram for months now, and I've used them only a handful of times in my life. Instead, I've been increasing CO₂ production…
…by walking over the distances usually reachable by short range transport (and sometimes a few #train station distances too). Shame on me!
#publictransport #train #nocar
I can understand that people need to own land and surround their homes with fences and walls to feel secure against all the people out to get them.
However, I wish that the long series of new houses wouldn't cut off direct access to the #forest, forcing everyone to take a 15-minute detour along a busy road. I mean, people tend to be going there to breathe fresh air, not exhaust fumes.
"Trying to live a minimalistic life. #noMeat #noCar #noAirplane."
Thank you, from those few of us doing the same thing to lower our ecological and climate footprint who appreciate others doing likewise. ☕
#nomeat #nocar #noairplane #fuckcars
Hi ya'll.
Since I moved instances again, I thought I should do a #introduction for people on floe.earth.
I'm a part time IT guy in my mid-thirties, who sufferers from climate anxieties. Trying to live a minimalistic life. #noMeat #noCar #noAirplane.
Now to the fun stuff: When I'm not worrying about my future or protesting for a better one, l am distracted by diving into strange sound worlds (from #ambient to #hyperglitch), taking care of a community garden or riding my bike through Berlin.
#introduction #nomeat #nocar #noairplane #ambient #hyperglitch
Dank Einhandlenker und Bremse kann mein Hund sicher nebenher laufen. Mit dem drangeschraubten Downhillboard transportiere ich laufend Kinder, große Pakete oder Einkäufe. Durch das große Holzbrett zwar relativ schwer, aber zusammengeklappt immer noch handlich genug für die Öffies.
Ja, 2 Jahre tgl. Benutzung zeigen Gebrauchsspuren.
#scooter #kickboard #dog #dogsOfMastodon #commute #publicTransport #noCar
#nocar #publictransport #commute #dogsofmastodon #dog #kickboard #scooter
Family ride to #emeryville tonight for their #NoCar parade featuring loads of #cargobikes. Santa rolled in on a huge cargo bike pedaled by Mayor John Bauters. This was the first time our 6 y/o had seen Santa.
There’s something really joyful about a bunch of people on bikes in a group having fun. #BikeTooter
#emeryville #nocar #cargobikes #biketooter
@siegi @RadioTeleSuisse
il y a un sacrée différence entre un usage raisonné d’un outil et participer à une espèce de grand-messe destinée aux adeptes idolâtres de la déesse bagnole!
#nocar #viveletrain
Article intéressant dans La Liberté (excellent quotidien fribourgeois) sur l’assèchement du marché de l’occasion, sur lequel se sont reportés les gens en raison des "énormes" délais d’attente sur les modèles neufs, parfois plus d’un an, en plus d’une augmentation des prix.
Donc je résume: pénurie de bagnoles neuves et d’occasion, du coup les gens réparent leurs véhicules au lieu d’en changer… Ben c’est quoi le problème du coup? 😈 C’est plutôt bien pour la planète ça. #nocar
@strypey Feature parity is tough. But in my late testing Dino and Nheko have done a great job at being good maps apps. For maps, Pure Maps seems perfectly sufficient for me, but being a person that generally does not get lost, a #nocar person and not going anywhere during the pandemic my needs may be way less than what others expect.
Generally, if you want things to change, try listing the precise features you miss. The next step would be to create feature requests upstream.
Bauholz in' Garten gefahren. Propz bekommen von einem älteren Radfahrer, von 'nem Autofahrer kam hingegen nur ein unqualifizierter Kommentar von wegen #Überbreite. Lediglich das Tor zur KGA war für die 1,20m zu schmal. Aber mit Geschick und Kraft ging auch das. Obendrein war die Strecke durch Parks und Waldwege wunderschön.
#mastobikes #biketrailer #friday4future #notflybutwheel #nocar
#überbreite #mastobikes #biketrailer #friday4future #notflybutwheel #nocar